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Pecan Cakes

Filling and Frosting

2 T. butter 1 t. vanilla 2 C. powdered sugar % C. grated pecans Cream

Combine ingredients, using cream sufficient to make the mixture thin enough to spread.

Mrs. L. E. Ace.

% C. butter 23 graham crackers Graham

1 ©. sugar 2 t. baking powder Cracker Cake & eggs % t. salt

1 C. milk 1 GC. chopped pecans

Cream butter and sugar together. Add beaten ege yolks and milk. Add crackers rolled fine, mixed with baking powder, salt, chopped or grated nuts. Add beaten ege whites. Bake in layers.

Filling 2 T. butter 1 egg yolk 3 T. powdered sugar Vanilla

Mix ingredients and spread on and between cake.

Mrs. Lucy Denton.

12 egg whites 2 t. baking powder Gold

8 egz yolks 1 GC. milk Bride’s Cake 2 C, sugar Flavoring

1 C, butter 1 C. chopped pecans

3 C. flour % C. candied cherries

Cream the egg yolks, sugar, and butter. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add alternately with the milk to the first mixture, and flavor. Add beaten egg whites. Pour half the batter in a cake pan, sprinkle with pecans and cherries, then add the rest of the batter. Run a knife through to the bottom of pan and gently mix in the pecans and cherries. Bake.

Mrs. G. J. DeLitterest.