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800 Proved Pecan Recipes

Cream of 2 'T. melted butter % GC. uncooked Gream of Wheat Bread 114 T. sugar Wheat 1 ege % t. soda %& C. flour 1 ©. sour milk 1 t. salt % C. chopped pecans

Cream together butter and sugar and add well beaten ege. Sift fiour and salt. Add Cream of Wheat. Dissolve soda in sour miik and add alternately with the dry ingredients to the first mixture. Flour pecans and add last. Bake.

Mrs. L. H. Keith.

Graham and 2 T. shortening 1 C. sour milk Date Bread % C. brown sugar 1 pkg. dates egg % C. chopped pecans 1 t. seda 8 C. graham flour 1 t. salt

Cream shortening and sugar, add beaten egg, and sour milk, in which baking soda has been dis- solved. Add chopped dates, pecans, graham flour, and salt. Bake.

Mrs. A, Ramsperger.

Orange Peel 2 large oranges 1 egg Bread 1 C. sugar % t. salt ¥% C. boiling water 8 C. flour 1 C. sweet milk 4 t. baking powder

1 C. chopped pecans

Cut the orange peel into narrow strips. Put in cold, salted water and boil until tender. Drain, and add sugar, and boiling water. Boil slowly until peeling is thoroughly sugared. Cool, and add milk, egg, and sifted salt, flour, and baking pow- der, and chopped pecans. Bake.

Mrs. M, A. Kingdon.