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Steele and Sussman
The Art of the Interpreter

We now have a complete encoding for algebraic expressions and LISP recursion equations in the form of S-expressions. Suppose that we now want to write a LISP program which will take such an S-expression and perform some useful operation on it, such as determining the value of an algebraic expression. We need some procedures for distinguishing, decomposing, and constructing S-expressions.

The predicate ATOM, when applied to an S-expression, produces true when given an atom and false otherwise. The empty list is considered to be an atom. The predicate NULL is true of only the empty list; its argument need not be a list, but may be any S-expression. The predicate NUMBERP is true of numbers and false of atomic symbols and lists. The predicate EQ, when applied to two atomic symbols, is true if the two atomic symbols are identical. It is false when applied to an atomic symbol and any other S-expression. (We have not defined EQ on two lists yet; this will not become important, or even meaningful, until we discuss side effects.)

The decomposition operators for lists are traditionally called CAR and CDR for historical reasons. [LISP History] CAR extracts the first element of a list, while CDR produces a list containing all elements but the first. Because compositions of CAR and CDR are commonly used in LISP, an abbreviation is provided: all the C's and R's in the middle can be squeezed out. For example, "(CDR (CDR (CAR (CDR X))))" can be written as "(CDDADR X)".

The construction operator CONS, given an S-expression and a list, produces a new list whose car is the S-expression and whose cdr is the list. The operator LIST can take any number of arguments (a special feature), and produces a list of its arguments.

We can now write some interesting programs in LISP to deal with S-expressions. For example, we can write a predicate EQUAL, which determines whether two S-expressions have the same CAR-CDR structure:

        (COND ((NUMBERP X)
               (COND ((NUMBERP Y) (= X Y))
                     (T NIL)))
              ((ATOM X) (EQ X Y))
              ((ATOM Y) NIL)
              ((EQUAL (CAR X) (CAR Y))
               (EQUAL (CDR X) (CDR Y)))))

Here we have used the standard names T and NIL to represent tree and false. (Traditionally NIL is also considered to be the empty list, but we will avoid this here, writing "()" for the empty list.)

Because LISP programs are represented as LISP data structures (S-expressions), there is a difficulty with representing constants. For example, suppose we want to determine whether or not the value of the variable X is the atomic symbol "FOO". We might try writing: