Page:A Beacon to the Society of Friends.djvu/11

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their own minds, and on the minds of each other, to be the dictates of inspiration; and not bringing these impressions to the test of Scripture, they were plainly liable to mistake the convictions of conscience, the illusions of the imagination, or even the suggestions of Satan, for the blessed influence of the Holy Spirit.

By vainly attempting to compare the Scriptures with the Spirit, and asserting that the Spirit is a higher rule, they depreciated the attested revelation of the Spirit,—the only standard of religious truth. Yet this attempted comparison, whatever might be their view of it, was not between the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, (for these admit of no comparison,) but in reality, the comparison was between the true revelation of God by Holy Scripture, and impressions made on their own minds.

The gift of the Holy Spirit, and his influence in awakening, reproving, enlightening, guiding, teaching, comforting, and sanctifying the heart, is, indeed, a gracious evidence of divine