Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/472

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her perfections; for she crowned all with an exemplary piety, and unblemished virtue. She died of the small pox, 1685, in the 25th year of her age. Upon which Mr. Dryden lamented her death in a very long ode.

She was buried in the chapel of the Savoy hospital, on the north side of which is a neat monument of marble and free stone, fixed in the wall, with a Latin inscription. Soon after her death, was published a book, entitled. Poems by Mrs. Anne Killigrew, London, 1686, in a large thin quarto.

Female Worthies.


LABANA, a Moorish Spaniard, of a noble Family at Corduba, Secretary and Counsellor to Alhakemo, King of Spain,

A most accurate poetess, skilled also in philosophy and arithmetic; died universally regretted in the flower of her age, and the 374th year of the Hegira.

Bibliothecæ Arabico-Hispanæ Escurialiensis.

LABÉ (LOUISA), surnamed la Belle Cordiere, because her Husband was a Rope-maker. Born at Lyons, 1527;

One of the most distinguished poets of her time, gained great celebrity in the reign of Henry II. by her wit and genius. She shewed an early disposition for languages and the polite arts: but what was still more extraordinary, she was a heroine; and the poets of her age have celebrated her martial exploits. We are igno-
