Page:A C Doyle - The White Company.djvu/402

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the grass. A long cordon cleared the camp of all strangers, while the main body fell into four lines with under-officers and file-leaders in front and on either flank. So they stood, silent and motionless, when their leader came riding towards them, his face shining and his whole small figure swelling with the news which he bore.

'Great honour has been done to us, men,' cried he: 'for of all the army, the prince has chosen us out that we should ride onwards into the lands of Spain to spy upon our enemies. Yet, as there are many of us, and as the service may not be to the liking of all, I pray that those will step forward from the ranks who have the will to follow me.'

There was a rustle among the bowmen, but when Sir Nigel looked up at them no man stood forward from his fellows, but the four lines of men stretched unbroken as before. Sir Nigel blinked at them in amazement, and a look of the deepest sorrow shadowed his face.

'That I should have lived to see the day!' he cried. 'What! not one——'

'My fair lord,' whispered Alleyne, 'they have all stepped forward.'

'Ah, by Saint Paul! I see how it is with them. I could not think that they would desert me. We start at dawn to-morrow, and ye are to have the horses of Sir Robert Cheney's company. Be ready, I pray ye, at early cock-crow.'

A buzz of delight burst from the archers, as they broke their ranks and ran hither and thither, whooping and cheering like boys who have news of a holiday. Sir Nigel gazed after them with a smiling face, when a heavy hand fell upon his shoulder.

'What ho! my knight-errant of Twynham!' said a voice. 'You are off to Ebro, I hear; and, by the holy fish of Tobias! you must take me under your banner.'

'What! Sir Oliver Buttesthorn!' cried Sir Nigel. 'I had heard that you were come into camp, and had hoped to see you. Glad and proud shall I be to have you with me.'