Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/240

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Churches (continued):—

239583 203779 245684

231363 231364 176249 150023 230397


34024 239650 245684 131650

80711 130677 64025 124833 233360 64206 343223

63006 244352

249860 34976


Church Extension work in Birmingham. Report of meeting held in the Masonic Hall, Birmingham. { Appeal by the Bishop of Worcester, ete.] pp. 16. duo. 1891.

[A Collection of hymn sheets of various churches in Birmingham and district.] fol. [1806-63].

Crowder (L, F.) Ecclesiastical History, Im Handbook for Birmingham. British Association. duo. 1913.

Diocese of Birmingham. Local Ecclesiastical Records, Report presented to the Bishop of Birmingham, 1911, pp, 53, 8vo, [1911].

—| Another copy.)

—{ Another copy.)

Dfixon] (A. 8.) Notes on Ecclesiastical and other Buildings. In Association of Church School Managers and Teachers, Conference, 1903, Birmingham. Guide. pp. 82. Illus. 8vo. (1903).

Evans (G. E.) Midland Churches : a history of the Congregations on the roll of the Midland Christian Union. Jilus. ( Dudley.) 4to. 1899.

[F. (G.)] The Evening before the Crucifixion. [On sectarianism, particularly in Birmingham.] pp. 36, duo, 1860.

Garbett (ev, J.) An appeal for the erection of new Churches in Birmingham, in a letter to James Taylor. pp. 27. 8vo. [1838].

—[ Another copy.] -

Guide to the Churches of Birmingham and District. pp, 80. duo. 1891.

Houghton (F. T. 8.) Medieval work in the Churches of the district, Jn Hand- book for Birmingham. British Association. duo. 1913. 2

In Parliament . . . Session 1897. Birmingham Churches, Plans of properties to be acquired . Civil Parish of Saint Martin. Ecclesiastical Parishes of Christ Church & Saint Peter, [also] Book of reference to plans. W. 2.2 plans. obl. fol. 1897.

Johnson (G, J.) Modern Birmingham: Ecclesiastical. In Handbook of Birmingham, British Association, 1886. duo. 1886.

The Lectern, an illustrated Church Paper. Nos. 1-7 (Dec., 1896-—Jine, 1897). All published, Ports. 4to, 1896-7.

McEvoy (B.) Pew and Pulpit in Birmingham; Twelve Sunday morning sketches. pp. 68. duo, [1878].

—{ Another copy.)

MeEvoy (B.) Wanderings among the Aisles: articles on the Churches and Chapels of Sutton Coldfield and Erdingion, Reprinted from ‘* Sutton Coldfield and Erdington News.” pp. 83. duo. 1878.

Marle (H.) Ritualism, ealmly considered by the light of Dr. Oldknow’s letter, and other lesser lights. pp. 52. duo. 1866.

Member of the now divided, but ought-to-be united, Church of God, at Birmingham, [pseud.,] A Series of Papers upon the Broken Unity of the Church, the Mode of its Restoration, ete, duo, 1859, .

Miller (J. C,) The Chureh of England in Birmingham, A letter to the Rev. Grantham M. Yorke, pp. 27. 8vo, 1864,

Pipripapes cuttings, ete. Birmingham Religious Scrap Book, collected by G. H. Osborne.) fol. [1865-1900}.

[Newspaper cuttings relating to Birmingham churches.) fol. (1914; ete.].

Oldknow (J.) Anti-ritual proceedings : a letter to the Clergy of the Rural Deanery of Birmingham ; with particulars as to the performance of divine service in some of the Birmingham Churches. pp. 43. duo. 1866,

Oldknow (J.): see also Marle (H,) above,

Priestley Centenary Fund. An illustrated handbook of the Presbyterian, Unitarian, and other liberal Christian Churches in the Midlands, ete. pp. 56, Ports, Ilus. obl. duo. 1004.