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Reference Library, Birmingham

Congresses held in Birmingham: see also (continued):—



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Quakers. Suffrage Conference, 1842. Ragged Schools Conference, 1861, oar, School Centenary Conference, Rational Religionists, 1880, Reformatory and Industrial Institution Sunday School Union. Conference, 1905. Teachers’ Guild.

Reformatory and Industrial Schools ‘Temperance Convention, 1887, (National Association of). Temperance League (British), Reformatory and Refuge Union. Temperance League (National Com- Reformatory Schools Conference, 1851 mercial). and 1853. Town Mission Conference, 1858. Right of Search Conference, 1855, Trades Union b Ruridecanal Conferences. Unitarian, Liberal Christians, cte,, Sanitary Institute. Congregations. Scouts. Unitarians.

Social Science (National Association Vehicle Owners’ Protection Association. for the Promotion of). Warwickshire Agricultural Society. Society for the Propagation of the Women and Girls (Birmingham Ladies’

Gospel. Union, etc.).

Connor (Jounx G.):— Descriptive catalogue of the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary. 8vo. 1847. CoNOoLLY (JOHN) :— F Biographical memoir of the late Dr. J. Darwall, of Birmingham. From Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 58 pp. 8vo. [1834]. i Conscience (Courts of) : see Requests (Courts of). Conservative Association (Birmingham) :— [Birmingham Conservative Association, A collection of leaflets, posters, etc.] fol, (1910, etc.}. Birmingham Conservative Association, Report of the Management Committee (Annual Report), 1878 [1st], etc. 8vo, (1879, ete.]. Hopkins (J. Satchell) Voluntary schools and board schools in Birmingham. Printed for the Birmingham Conservative Association. pp. 22, duo. [1878]. Stone ([Sir] J. B.) Birmingham Conservative Association. Mr. J. B. Stone on the Radical government of the town. Speech by the Hon. A. C. G. Calthorpe. Report of annual meeting.] pp. 24. 8vo. [1880]. Sylvester (A. A.) Why am I a Conservative ! Lecture at the Masonic Hall, 1881, [Promoted and] published by the Birmingham Conservative Associa- tion. pp. 31. duo. 1881. Conservative Association (Birmingham Working Men’s Liberal): see Working Men’s Liberal Conservative Association. ; Conservative Association (Handsworth): see Handsworth Conservative Associa- tion. Conservative Association (Rotton Park) : see Rotton Park Conservative Association. Conservative Club (Birmin: ) — Rules of the Conservative Club, Birmingham. [With list of members}. pp, 20. duo, 1872. Conservative Club (Midland) :— Hopkins (J, Satchell) A chapter of English History (The Marlborough Wars). A paper read before the Midland Conservative Club. pp. 20. duo. [1883]. Levy (E. L.) The Midland Conservative Club : (1883 and after). With a fore- word by J, Rowlands. Jilus, duo. [1903]. Rules of the Midland Conservative Club, Birmingham. pp. 12. duo, [1882]. Conservatives :-— Awa Whigs awa. The celebrated Scotch song; sung at the at Con- servative dinner, at Birmingham, 29 Jan., 1833. pp, 4. fol. (1833),