Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/401

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Birmingham Collection

239600 228974





37798 66710


129661 61080



Farmers’ Club (Midland) (continued) :—

Wood (W.) Paper on ‘‘ The means of increasing the home production of animal food,” 1868. (Midland Farmers’ Club) pp. 37, 8vo [1868]. Farmers’ Magazine (The). A monthly journal, etc. Vol. 1, nos. 1-6 (Jan.-June,

‘ Me Sat cae th Itus. Cpr cra 4to. 1911, arms (Municipal): see Drai ai ewerage [for Tyburn Sewage Farm]; Industrial Schools [for Shustoke Farm). ment 7


Farnworth (Epwarp JamMEs) :-— Birmingham Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society. Report of the 5th quinquennial valuation, as at 31st Dec., 1899. pp. 14. 4to. 1900. Farrar (Frepuric Wini1aM) dean :— Life: its occupations & opportunities, Address, 1888, as president of the Birmingham District Institutes’ Union. pp. 29. 8vo. [1888]. Ruskin as a religious teacher. [Delivered before the Ruskin Society of Bir- mingham, 1898]. pp. 53. ( Bournville.) duo, 1904. Farrell's (T.) Concerts :— Town Hall, Birmingham. Mr. T. Farrell’s grand evening concert, Dec. 8th, 1870. Programine. pp. 16. 8vo. 1870. Farror (I.) auctioneers : see Sale Catalogues. Favcunr (Lton) :— Etudes sur l’Angleterre. Tome 1 [including a chapter on Birmingham Industries.) (Paris.) duo. 1856. : Fauna: see Natural History. Fauna Committee (Midland) : see Natural History and Philosophical Society Fawcett (Ri. Hon. Henry) M.P.:— Birmingham and Midland Institute. Address delivered in the Town Hall, 1875, pp. 19. 8vo. [ 1875).

—{ Another copy.) . Speeches on some current political questions [including a speech ‘‘ The Birmingham League and the Education Act "’]. 8vo, 1873.

Fawerrt (Mrs. Miniicent G.) :—

Ladies’ Debating Society, Birmingham. Inaugural address. [The teaching of civie duty]. pp. 22. 8vo, [1895].

Frasron (Rev. Joun T.) :-—

Annual report and pastoral address to the congregation of the Lozells Chapel, Birmingham, 2nd-7th [1861-6]. 6 vols, 8vo,’ 1862-7.

Funeral oration and discourse, delivered, on the death of Benjamin Millichamp, in the Lozells Chapel, 1865, pp. 15. 8vo. [1865].

Feeble-minded :—

. Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded. _Reports of investigators, etc. Vol. 6, [including a report on Birmingham]. [Parliamentary Reports.) fol. 1908.

Feeble-minded : see also Education {for the ‘‘ Special Schools After-Care Sub-

Committee *’ Reports]; Monyhull Colony

Feeding of necessitous School Children : see Children.

Feeney Art Galleries : see Art Gallery and Museum. Ra 6

Feeney (John) Proprietor of the Birmingham Daily Post, etc., Work relating to :—

fPiotogrepts the premises of Mr. John Feeney, Cannon Street, Bir- mingham,] obl. 4to. [1893].

  • Freny (ALFRED).