Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/85

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Birmingham Collection



230343 115430 76655 259290 $565 THG56


73623 73562

Arts Club (Midland) (continued) :-—

Solly (N, N.) An Essay on Frederick Walker, A.R.A., read [before] the Midland Arts Club. pp, 11, Port. Svo. 1890.

Vernon (W. H.) A Sketch of the origin and history of the Midland Arts Club, Birmingham, a paper, 1900, with the Inaugural Address, by J. W. Tonks, 1901. pp. 15. 8vo. (21901),

Arts (Fine) Prize Fund Association : see Fine Arts Prize Fund Association. Arts Guild (Birmingham Fine): see Fine Arts Guild. Asn (Jons) M.D., F.RS., of Birmingham :—

[Autograph letters (three) from Dr. John Ash to William Withering of

Birmingham. Dated Mar. 2, 1775; Aug. 7, 1786; Nov. 10, 1786.] 1775-86, Ash (John) W.D., F.RS., of Birmingham, Work relating to ——

Bligh & Co. ‘Catalogue of Books and Autograph Letters, including letters by Joseph Priestley, John Ash, and others, pp, 12. Svo. 1914.

NOTE.—Itemsa 3, 4, 5, Lettors from J. Ash to Dr. Withering, are iu the Reference Lilmry (No, 251242),

Asitrorp (Mrs.) :—

Ladies’ Debating Society, Birmingham. Inaugural address fon ** Our

Responsibilities with regard to Edueation.”| pp. 23. Svo. [1885]. Ashford (Mary) Murder of :-—

An Account of the Appeal of Death, by W. Ashford, against A. Thornton, and the proceedings in the Court of King’s Bench, ete. pp. IL. duo. [1817].

Booker (Re Luke) A Moral Review of the conduct and case of Mary Ashford, ete. pp. 53. (Dudley). 8vo, 1818.

Booker (tev, Luke): see also Gregory, below.

Cooper (J.) Report of the proceedings against Abraham Thornton, at Warwick, 1817, and m the Court of the King’s Bench in an appeal of the said murder. Ports. (Warwick). 8vo. 1818.

Craven ! Craven ! The curious and ancient English Law of Appeal, by virtue of which law Abraham Thornton challenged to combat the Heir of Mary Ashford, ete. pp. 12. 8vo. [71817].

[E. (8. N.)] The Murdered Maid ; or, the Clock struck four!!! A drama fon the murder of Mary Ashford J. pp. 43. (Warwick). duo. 1819.

[Fowler (W.)] Remarks in reference to the murder of Mary Ashford, 1817. pp. 8. Printed for private circulation only. 8vo. 1879.

Full report of the Trial of Abraham Thornton for the wilful murder of Mary Ashford, pp. 16. duo. [21818].

(Gregory ( )] A Reply to the Remarks of the Rey, Luke Booker in ‘‘ A Moral Review” of the conduet and case of Mary Ashford. By a Friend to Justice. pp. 40. duo, 1818.

Holroyd (1.) Observations upon the case of Abraham Thornton, who was tried at Warwick, 1817, for the murder of Mary Ashford, 2nd edn. pp. 88. Plan. duo. 1819.

Horrible Rape and Murder !! The affecting case of Mary Ashford, including the ‘Trial of A. Thornton, [with] elucidations, plan, ete. pp. 64. 8vo. 1817.

L. (G.) The Mysterious Murder ; or, What's the Clock ? A melo drama. Founded on a tale too true, [the murder of Mary Ashford.] pp. 56. duo, [21817].

—[ Another copy.)

—2nd edn, duo, [?1818}.

en Maid (The) ; or the Clock struck four!!! [By S.N.E.]: see E. (8.N.) above

Remarks in reference to the murder of Mary Ashford [by W. Fowler]. : see Fowler, above.

Reply to the Remarks of the Rev. Luke Booker, ete. ; see Gregory, above.