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53 Georgii III. Cap. clv.

Ships driven by Stress of Weather or other inevitable Accident within the proscribed Limits, not to be liable to Forfeiture.XLI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Ship or Vessels shall happen by Stress of Weather or other inevitable Accident to be driven or forced more to the Northward than Eleven Degrees South Latitude, and between the Sixty-fourth and One hundred and fiftieth Degrees of East Longitude from London, and being driven or so forced shall return within the said Limits with as much convenient Speed as the Safety of such Ship or Vessel or other Circumstances will admit, such Ship or Vessels shall,not, nor shall any of the Goods, Merchandize, Treasure, or Effects shipped or laden on board; the same, be subject to Forfeiture, nor shall the Owners, Master, or Crew thereof, or any other Person on board the same, be liable to any of the Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures or Disabilities herein-before mentioned on account of being or having been within the said Limits: Provided nevertheless, that the Proof of such Ship or Vessels having been driven or forced beyond the said Limits by Stress of Weather or other.inevitable Accident, and of having returned within the said Limits with as much convenient Speed as the Safety of the said Ship or Vessel or other Circumstances would admit, shall lie on the Party claiming the Benefit of such Exemption; any Thing in this or any other Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Colleges and Semina­ries Abroad to be sub­ject to the Controul of the Board:XLII. And be it further enacted. That the said Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, by Force and Virtue of this Act, shall have and be invested with full Power and Authority to superintend, direct, and controul all Orders and Instructions whatsover, which in anywise relate to or concern any Rules, Regulations, or Establishments whatsoever of the several Colleges established by the said Company at Calcutta or Fort Saint George, or of any Semijparies which may be established under the Authority of any of the Governments of the said Company, in the same Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, and under and subject to all such and the like Regulations and Provisions, as if such Orders and Instructions immediately related to and concerned the Government and Revenues of the said Territorial Acquisitions in the East Indies.

Provision for Schools, Public Lectures or other other literary Institutions for the Benefit of the Natives, to be regulated by Go­vernor General in Council, subject to Controul of the Board; but Appointments to OfRoes therein to be made by the Local Go­vernments.XLIII. And be it further, enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Governor General in Council to direct, that out of any Surplus which may remain of the Rents, Revenues and Profits, arising from the said Territorial Acquisitions, after defraying the Expences of the Military, Civil, and Com­mercial Establishments, and paying the Interest of the Debt, in Manner hereinafter provided, a Sum of not less than One Lack of Rupees in each Year shall be set apart and applied to the Revival and Improvement of Literature and the Encouragement of the learned Natives of India, and for the Introduction and Promotion of a Knowledge of the Sciences among the Inhabitants of the British Territories in India; and that any Schools, Public Lectures or other Institutions, for the Purposes aforesaid, which shall be founded at the Presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, or Bombay, or in any other Parts of the British Territories in India, in virtue of this Act, shall be governed by such Regulations as may from Time to Time be made by the said Governor General in Council; subject nevertheless to such Powers as are herein the said Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, respecting Colleges and Seminaries: Provided always, that all Appointments to Offices in such Schools, Lectureships and other Institutions, shall be made by or under the Autho­rity of the Governments within which the same shall be situated.

College and Military Seminary in England to be continued; and the Directors with the Approbation of the Board, to make Rules and Regulations for the same.XLIV. And whereas the said United Company have lately established, in England, a College, for the appropriate Education of young Men designed for their Civil Service in India, and also a Military Seminary for the appropriate Education of young Men designed for their Military Service in India; And whereas it is expedient that the said. College and Military Seminary should be further continued and maintained, and that proper Rules and Regulations should be constituted and established by Authority of Law, for the good Government of the said College and Military Seminary respectively; be it therefore enacted. That the said College and Military Seminary shall be continued and maintained by the said United Company during the further Term hereby granted to the said Company; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said Court of Directors and they are hereby required, forthwith, after the passing of this Act, to frame such Rules and Regulations for the good Government of the said College and Military Seminary respectively, as in their Judg­ment shall appear best adapted to the Purposes aforesaid; and to lay the same before the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, for their Revisal and Approbation, who shall thereupon proceed to consider the same, and shall and may make such Alterations therein and Additions thereto as they shall think fit; nevertheless, all such Rules and Regulations shall and may he sub­ject to such future Revision and Alteration by the said Court of Directors, with the Approbation of the said Board, as Circumstances may from Time to Time require in that Behalf; and all such Rules and Regulations, so framed, approved, revised, or altered, shall be deemed and taken to be good and valid in Law, and shall be binding and effectual upon all Persons and in all Matters belonging or relating to the said College and Military Seminary respectively; any Law, Charter,or other