Page:A Complete Guide to Heraldry.djvu/21

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With his proud argument:—'A sable sky
Burning with stars; and in the midst full orb'd
A silver moon;'—the eye of night o'er all,
Awful in beauty, forms her peerless light."

2. Capaneus.

("Ἔχει δὲ σῆμα,—ΠΡΗΣΩ ΠΟΛΙΝ."—Lines 428-430.)

"On his proud shield portray'd: 'A naked man
Waves in his hand a blazing torch;' beneath
In golden letters—'I will fire the city.'"

3. Eteoclus.

("Ἔσχημάτισται,—πυργωμάτων."—Lines 461-465.)

"... No mean device
Is sculptured on his shield: 'A man in arms,
His ladder fix'd against the enemies' walls,
Mounts, resolute, to rend their rampires down;'
And cries aloud (the letters plainly mark'd),
'Not Mars himself shall beat me from the Tow'rs.'"

4. Hippomedon.

("Ὁ σηματουργὸς—φόβον βλέπων·"—Lines 487-494.)

"... On its orb, no vulgar artist
Expressed this image: 'A Typhæus huge,
Disgorging from his foul enfounder'd jaws,
In fierce effusion wreaths of dusky smoke.
Signal of kindling flames; its bending verge
With folds of twisted serpents border'd round.'
With shouts the giant chief provokes the war,
And in the ravings of outrageous valour
Glares terror from his eyes ..."

5. Parthenopæus.

("Ὁν μὴν ἀκόμπαστος—ἵαπτεσθαι Βέλη·"—Lines 534-540.)

"... Upon his clashing shield,
Whose orb sustains the storm of war, he bears
The foul disgrace of Thebes:—'A rav'nous Sphynx
Fixed to the plates: the burnish'd monster round
Pours a portentous gleam: beneath her lies
A Theban mangled by her cruel fangs:'—
'Gainst this let each brave arm direct the spear."

6. Amphiaraus.

("Τοιαῦθ ὁ μάντις,—βλαστάνει βουλευματα."—Lines 587-591.)

"So spoke the prophet; and with awful port
Advanc'd his massy shield, the shining orb
Bearing no impress, for his gen'rous soul
Wishes to be, not to appear, the best;
And from the culture of his modest worth
Bears the rich fruit of great and glorious deeds."