Page:A Desk-Book of Errors in English.djvu/33

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Errors in English
any place

any, all, at all: Avoid using any adverbially in place of the adjective. Don't say "Did you sleep any?" when you mean "Did you have any sleep ? " or "Did you sleep at all?"

Since any individualizes or separates, signifying one or some out of a certain quantity or number, and thus differentiating from the whole or entire quantity or number, the word should not be used interchangeably with all. " He is the finest fellow of all" (not of any=of any one fellow) I have known."

any, either: Any is used of more than two; either of two only. Do not say "the United States or either of them," say, rather, "any of them."

anyhow, anyway: "Forcible colloquial expressions often used to indicate that something is to be done, admitted, believed, or the like, be the circumstances, results or conditions what they may; as 'Anyhow, I have lost it;' 'anyway, I am going.' In place of these, such expressions as 'In any event,' 'At any rate,' 'Be that as it may' are ordinarily preferred."—Standard Dictionary.

any place, some place: "He won't go any place; " "I want to go some place" Say, rather, "He won't go anywhere;" "I want to go somewhere" These are solecisms, unfortunately common, which should be avoided. "Place" may be used as an indirect object only when preceded by a preposition.