Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/702

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15); 8 Songs by George Eliot (op. 1); 6 do. by Heine (op. 4); 6 do. by do. (op. 7); 6 Songs (op. 14). In church music he is known by a Morning, Communion, and Evening Service in B♭ (op. 10), and an Evening do. (Sons of the Clergy, 1880) for chorus, orchestra, and organ (op. 12); also 2 hymns by Klopstock (ops. 5 and 16). He has edited Leo's 'Dixit Dominus' in C, and in his capacity of conductor of the Cambridge University Musical Society, has given first performances in England of Schumann's 3rd part of 'Faust,' Brahms's C minor Symphony and Rhapsodic (op. 53), Kiel's Requiem, etc. Under Mr. Stanford the society just mentioned has become a power in the country, and his influence has stimulated music at Cambridge to a remarkable degree of activity, which has yet to be imitated at Oxford. He is Professor of Composition and Orchestral playing at the Royal College of Music, London.

[ G. ]

[App. p. 796 "To list of works add the following:—

18. Three 'Cavalier Songs' (Browning), for baritone and chorus.
19. Six Songs.
20. PF. Sonata, in D♭ (MS.).
21. Elegiac Ode (Walt Whitman), for soli and chorus. Norwich. 1884.
22. Oratorio. 'The Three Holy Children.' Birmingham Festival. 1885.
23. Incidental Music to the 'Eumenides.' Cambridge. 1885.
24. 'The Revenge' (Tennyson), choral ballad. Leeds Festival. 1886.
25. Quintet for PF. and Strings, in D minor.
26. Carmen Saeculare (Tennyson), for soprano solo, and chorus. Composed for Her Majesty's Jubilee, 1887.
27. Psalm cl. for soprano and chorus. Opening of Manchester Exhibition, 1887.
28. 'Irish' Symphony in F minor. Richter, 1887.
29. Incidental music to the 'Oedipus Tyrannus.' Cambridge, 1887.
30. Songs (unpublished. 1888).
31. Symphony in F (Berlin, Jan. 14, and Crystal Palace, Feb. 23. 1889).
32. Suite for violin and orchestra (Berlin, Jan. 14, 1889, and Philharmonic, March 28).
33. Overture, 'Queen of the Seas' (Armada Tercentenary).

Add that the opera 'Savonarola,' in three acts and a prologue, was produced at Hamburg, April 18, 1884, and at Covent Garden, July 9 of the same year. On April 28 of that year, his 'Canterbury Pilgrims,' in three acts (words by Gilbert A'Beckett), was produced by the Carl Rosa company at Drury Lane. Other works without opus-numbers are a Festival Overture, Gloucester, 1877; Elegiac Symphony, in D minor, Cambridge, and Gloucester Festival, 1883; Concertos for PF. and for violoncello, with orchestra. A collection of 'Fifty Irish Melodies' (Boosey), with accompaniments, etc., edited by him, and a 'Song Book for Schools' (National Society), may also be mentioned."]


STANLEY, John, Mus. Bac., born in London in 1713, at two years old became blind by accident, at seven began to learn music from John Reading, organist of Hackney, and a few months later was placed with Maurice Greene, under whom he made such rapid progress that in 1724 he was appointed organist of All Hallows, Bread Street, and in 1726 organist of St. Andrew's, Holborn. On July 19, 1729, he graduated as Mus. Bac. at Oxford. In 1734 he was appointed one of the organists of the Temple Church. In 1742 he published 'Six Cantatas, for a Voice and Instruments,' the words by Hawkins, the future historian of music, which proved so successful that a few months later he published a similar set to words by the same author. In 1757 ne produced his 'Jephthah,' and in 1760 joined J. C. Smith in carrying on the oratorio performances formerly conducted by Handel, for which he composed 'Zimri,' 1760, and 'The Fall of Egypt,' 1774. In 1761 he set to music Robert Lloyd's dramatic pastoral, 'Arcadia, or The Shepherd's Wedding,' written in honour of the marriage of George III. and Queen Charlotte. He published also 'Three Cantatas and Three Songs for a Voice and Instruments,' and three sets, of 12 each, of Organ Voluntaries. In 1774, on the retirement of Smith, he associated Thomas Linley with himself in the conduct of the oratorios. In 1779 he succeeded Dr. Boyce as Master of the King's Band of Music. Burney says he was 'a neat, pleasing, and accurate performer, a natural and agreeable composer, and an intelligent instructor.' He died May 19, 1786. His portrait by Gainsborough was finely engraved by Mary Ann Rigg (afterwards Scott), and another portrait, at the organ, was engraved by Mac Ardell.

[ W. H. H. ]

STANSBURY, George Frederick, son of Joseph Stansbury, a player upon the flute, bassoon and viola, residing in Bristol, was born in that city in 1800. When only 12 years old he was proficient on the pianoforte, violin, and flute, and at 19 was engaged by Mme. Catalani as accompanyist during a concert tour through England. He was afterwards director of the music at the Theatre Royal, Dublin, where he made his appearance as a composer with an overture to 'Life in Dublin.' In 1828 he appeared at the Haymarket Theatre as Capt. Macheath in 'The Beggar's Opera,' and on Jan. 15, 1829, at Covent Garden in A. Lee's ' Nymph of the Grotto.' He continued there and at Drury Lane for several years. He was afterwards engaged as musical director and conductor at the St. James's, the Surrey, and other theatres. He composed music for 'Waverley' (with A. Lee), and 'Puss in Boots,' 1832; 'The Elfin Sprite,' and 'Neuha's Cave,' 1833, and other pieces, besides many songs, etc. His voice was of poor quality, but he was an excellent musician, and a ready composer. He died of dropsy, June 3, 1845.

[ W. H. H. ]

STARCK (von Bronsart), Ingeborg, was born at St. Petersburg, of Swedish parents, 12–24 August, 1840. Henselt was one of her first masters. When 18 she studied for some time under Liszt at Weimar, and then made a long concert tour through the principal towns of Germany, playing at the Gewandhaus Concerts in 1858 and 1859, at Paris and St. Petersburg. In 1861 she married Hans von Bronsart. After staying some time in Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin, Herr Bronsart and his wife settled in Hanover, where he is Intendant of the theatre. Here she devoted herself entirely to composition. An opera by her, 'Die Göttin von Sais,' had been unsuccessful in Berlin, but her next dramatic work, a setting of Goethe's 'Jery und Bätely,' was played with great success in Weimar, Cassel, and many other places. In 1870 she wrote a 'Kaiser Wilhelm March,' which was played at Berlin at a state performance to celebrate the return of the troops. She has since completed a four-act opera 'König Hiarne,' the libretto by Hans von Bronsart and Friedrich von Bodenstedt. Since settling in Hanover, Frau von Bronsart, who is a pianist of rare excellence, has seldom been heard in public. She has however played duets for two pianos with Liszt at concerts in Hanover. Her compositions, include a concerto and other PF. pieces, many songs, and some music for strings.

[ W. B. S. ]

STARK, Ludwig, was born at Munich June 19, 1831; was educated at the University there, and learned music in the good school of the Lachners. In 1856 he went to Paris, and after a short residence there removed to Stuttgart, and in conjunction with Lebert, Brachmann, and Laiblin, founded the Stuttgart Music School, which has since become so well known. Among the teachers in the school were Speidel, Faisst, Pischek, Levi, and other well-known names. Dr. Stark's energies have been since that time, continually concentrated on the school, which has flourished accordingly, and in July 1865 was allowed to assume the title of Conservatorium. Among the present teachers are Dionys Pruckner (piano), Edmund Singer (violin), etc. At the end of the 5th half-year, April 15, 1882, the number of professional scholars was 140 (12 English), 44 male and 96 female. But in 1878