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with him (Mr. Rockstro's information); and two lines lower, for Miss Lind read her. P. 288a. Add as a foot-note: On this occasion he discovered the two redundant bars in the Trio of Beethoven's Symphony, which had remained uncorrected, notwithstanding Beethoven's protest to the publishers in 1810. P. 288b, l. 40, add As a reminiscence it may be mentioned that the holding C's for the oboe in the recitative of the Youth, in no. 19, were put in at the end of the first rehearsal, on Mr. Grattan Cooke's complaining that Mendelssohn had given him no solos. To note 19 add Mr. Bennett's Examination was reprinted and completed in the 'Musical Times' from Oct. 1882 to April 1883 inclusive. P. 294b, l. 5, add After a breakfast with him at B. Hawes's, Thackeray told Richard Doyle (who told the writer), 'His face is the most beautiful face I ever saw, like what I imagine our Saviour's to have been.' Sir F. Pollock (Reminisc. i. 215) 'was much struck by his fine face and figure, and the excellence of his conversation.' Line 24, add They could also sparkle with rage like a tiger's (Moscheles, Life, i. 324). P. 295a, l. 34. After Schramm, add Vernet's was painted in return for an extempore fantasia on 'Don Juan.' Vernet sent it to the Mendelssohns at Berlin. (See Rebecka's letter in Eckardt's 'David,' p. 39.) P. 300b, after the canon, add A somewhat similar canon, written in the album of Mr. Parry in 1846, is printed in the 'Musical World' for Aug. 19, 1848. Another for two violas, 'Viola 1, Sir G. Smart; Viola 2, F. M. B. July 1831,' is given by Dr. J. F. Bridge in his 'Primer of Double Counterpoint and Canon.' P. 308. The dates given in the list are those attached by Mendelssohn to the autograph of the existing form of each work. P. 309a. Op. 94, after 1st version add with violin obbligato. P. 309b, paragraph 4. After Chorley's 'Life,' add Eckardt's 'David,' F. Moscheles, 'Briefe'. P. 310b. Add (17). Eckardt, 'Ferdinand David und die Familie Mendelssohn-Bartholdy … von Julius Eckardt' (Leipzig, 1888), contains 30 letters by F. M. B. (18). Felix Moscheles, 'Briefe von F. M. B. an Ignaz und Charlotte Moscheles … von Felix Moscheles,' Leipzig, 1888, contains many fresh letters by F. M. B.

[ G. ]

[1]MENDELSSOHN QUINTETTE CLUB, THE, was formed at Boston, Massachusetts, in 1849, for the purpose of giving concerts of chamber-music, and made its first public appearance in Chickering Hall Dec. 14 of that year. For a number of years the Club gave a series of concerts at Boston in each season, classical programmes alternating with those of a popular character. The reputation of the Club extending beyond the city, concert tours were ventured on, these being at first confined to towns in New England. By degrees its sphere of action included remote Western and Southern cities. No similar organization in the United States has had so long a life, or has introduced to its patrons more novelties of every school of chamber-music. As occasion has demanded the Club has been augmented to six or even nine players. Its programmes have been varied by performances of distinguished pianists and singers.

[ F. H. J. ]

MENDELSSOHN SCHOLARSHIP. P. 311a, l. 27, omit the words the present scholar. Add that Eugene d' Albert held the scholarship in 1881–2, and that the late scholar, Miss Marie Wurm, was elected in Jan. 1884. The following is a list of the committee, as at present constituted (1887): Mr. Otto Goldschmidt, Mr. J. Barnby, Mr. J. Bennett, Dr. J. F. Bridge, Mr. A. D. Coleridge, Mr. W. G. Cusins, Sir George Grove, Mr. A. G. Kurtz, Mr. Henry Leslie, Rev. Sir F. A. G. Ouseley, Mr. K. J. Pye, Mr. R. R. Pym, Dr. Stainer, Sir Arthur Sullivan, and Mr. Julian Marshall (Hon. Sec.)

MENTER, SOPHIE. See vol. iii. p. 16a.

MERBECKE, John. Add that in 1550 he took the degree of Mus. D. at Oxford.

MERCADANTE, Saverio. Correct the date of birth, as the certificate of his baptism bears the date Sept. 17, 1795 (Paloschi). P. 312b, l. 10, for 1822 read 1821. Line 21, add date of 'I due illustri rivali,' 1838. Last line, for Dec. 13 read Dec. 17.

MERCATOR, Michael. See vol. iv. p. 304 note.

MEREAUX, Jean Nicolas le Froid de, born in Paris 1745, was organist of the Church of St. Jacques du Haut Pas. His oratorios 'Samson' and 'Esther' were given at the Concert Spirituel in 1774 and 1775 respectively. These, and an Ode on the birth of the Dauphin, performed at the same concerts in Dec. 1781, are his only works of importance besides his operas, of which the following complete list is given in the supplement to Fétis:—'La Ressource comique,' 1772; 'Le Retour de Tendresse,' 1774; 'Le Duel comique' (partly arranged from Paisiello), 1776; 'Laurette,' 1777; 'Alexandre aux Indes,' 1783; Oedipe et Jocaste, 1791; 'Fabids,' 1793. He died in Paris in 1797. His grandson,

Jean Amédée le Froid de Mereaux, born in Paris 1803, became a remarkable pianist and a most successful teacher. He studied under Reicha from the age of ten, and appeared with great success in Paris and London before 1835, when he settled in Rouen as a teacher, where he died April 25, 1874. Of his original compositions his studies are the most important, but his fame rests chiefly upon his excellent collection published in 1867 under the title of 'Les Clavecinistes de 1637 à 1790.' He was also in great repute as a musical journalist.

[ M. ]

MERK, Joseph. Add days of birth and death, Jan. 18 and June 16 respectively.

MERKEL, Gustav. Add date of death, Oct. 30, 1885.

MERKLIN, SCHUTZE, & CO. See Daublaine et Callinet, vol. i. p. 431.

METAMORPHOSIS is the modification of a musical figure or idea, made with the view

  1. Copyright 1889 by F. H. Jenks.