Page:A French Volunteer of the War of Independence.djvu/296

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It may here be remarked that the Chevalier, though he gives the date of his birth correctly, has made a mistake of a year, either in the date of his imprisomnent or in the time he was at Pierre-en-Cize. As La Fayette was already in America when Pontgibaud joined him, either the lettre de cachet must be post-dated by a year or the Chevalier was 30 months, not 18, in prison.

Note B, page 61.

Comte de la Rouarie—known in the American army as Colonel Armand—had a strange career. He was born in 1756 at St. Malo, and, when quite a young man, obtained a commission in one of the regiments of Royal bodyguards. Though destined afterward to become one of the staunchest supporters of royalty, he was at first almost a republican, before the Republic was thought of, and his free and fearless criticisms on the Court caused him to be regarded with disfavour by the military authorities. He did not improve his prospects by falling madly in love with Mile. Beaumesnil,[1] a pretty but not very clever actress, who

  1. In Michaud's Biographie Universelle, the name of the actress is incorrectly given as Mile. Fleury.