Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/298

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NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Book vl, 1470 to 1660 GUIDING DATES Death of Charles the Bold . 1477 Union of Spanish Crowns . 1479 Tudor Dynasty . . . 1485 Conquest of Granada . . 1492 Discovery of America. . 1492 Charles vn. invades Italy . 1495 Da Gama sails to India . 1498 Accession of Charles v. . 15 19 Conquest of Mexico . . 15 19 Diet of Worms . . . 1521 Peasants' War . . -1524 Babar 1525 Protest of Speier . . 1529 Conquest of Peru . . 1532 Calvin in Geneva . . 1536 Order of Jesuits . . . 1540 Schmalkaldic War . . 1 547 Peace of Augsburg . -1555 Akbar 1556 Accession of Philip 11. . 1556 Huguenot Wars begin . 1562 Close of Council of Trent . 1563 Alva in the Netherlands . 1568 Revolt of the Netherlands . 1572 St. Bartholomew. . .1572 Union of Utrecht Death of Mary Stuart Spanish Armada. Accession of Henry IV. in France .... Edict of Nantes . Crowns of England and Scotland united Colony of Virginia Dutch Republic established Thirty Years' War begins . Richelieu's Ascendency be- gins Rise of Wallenstein . Gustavus Adolphus in Germany . Accession of the Great Elector in Brandenburg . 1640 English Civil War begins . 1642 Mazarin succeeds Richelieu 1642 Accession of Louis xiv. Treaty of Westphalia . Commonwealth in England Treaty of the Pyrenees Restoration in England 1579 1587 1588 1589 1603 1606 1609 1618 . 1624 . 1626 . 1630 1643 1648 1649 1659 1660 LEADING NAMES Ferdinand of Aragon— Isabella of Castile — Maximilian of Austria — Savonarola — Erasmus — Luther — Zwingli — Calvin — Leo X. — Clement VII.— Christopher Columbus— Vasco da Gama— Cortes— Pizarro— Drake— Charles V.— Francis I.— Henry VIII. -Philip II.— Elizabeth— Catherine de Medici— Henry IV.— William of Orange- Suleiman the Magnificent— Frederick, Elector Palatine— James I.— Ferdinand II. — Wallenstein — Gustavus Adolphus — Richelieu — Mazarin— Cromwell— Babar a — Akbar. 1 286 1 See Chapter xxm.