Page:A Guide to the National Parks of America (1915).djvu/110

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Glacier National Park

Swiss châlet style, and are as comfortable and sanitary as they are picturesque. They are situated at the following points: Glacier Park Station (outside the Park), Two Medicine Lake, Cut Bank River, Lake St. Mary, Many Glacier Camp, Going-to-the-Sun Camp, Gunsight Lake, Sperry Glacier, Granite Park, and Belton (outside the Park). All inquiries to these should be addressed to the Great Northern Railway, Glacier Park Station, Mont.

The following are camps or hotels under private management and situated on patented land:

National Park Cabin Resort, at the foot of Lake McDonald. Prop., E. E. Dow, Belton, Mont. Rates $2 to $3 per day.

Glacier Hotel, near head of Lake McDonald. Prop., J. E. Lewis, Lake McDonald P. O., Mont. Rates $3, $4, and $5 per day.

Park Hotel (Geduhn's), at head of Lake McDonald. Prop., James Conlon, trustee, Belton, Mont. Rates $2.50 to $3 per day.

The methods of transportation in the Park are by automobile, horse stage, launches on the lakes, and saddle and pack horses. There are no fixed definite tours which must be con-