Page:A Guide to the National Parks of America (1915).djvu/93

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The National Parks of America

only glacial boulder in the Park, but the most striking example of this force. This boulder must have been brought a distance of at least 20 miles by the ancient glacier that carried it and dropped it here for the wonder of the tourist.

Grand Canyon to Gardiner via Norris

On the road from Canyon Junction to Norris there is a steep hill for the first mile and then the road winds through timber-covered rolling country to the Wedded Trees, about 5½ miles from Canyon Junction; a mile and a half farther the road enters Virginia Meadows, altitude 7,765 feet, where there is a camp site and the fishing is good. This is the only camping ground between Canyon Junction and Norris. At the lower end of the meadow Gibbon River is crossed and the road continues down its north bank past the Virginia Cascades to Norris Geyser Basin, 11 miles from Canyon Junction.

Norris to Gardiner

The tourist returns over the road previously described.