Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1142

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tri/J^ n.m., TirwR f., three (X Syr.; BH vbv, nB^E») ;_m. n^n bef. n.f. pi. Dn 7°; n.f. om! v 8 - 2 "; f. nnbn be'f.'n.m. pi. 7 24 ; after, 3 « 5j.11.14_ so k_ Ezr 6 4 ; nn^>n Di' 6' 5 third day; sf. finribn (K '<»• *"■■'• ') Dn ^the three of them. tfn^O] a.[xn.] a third part (so 1^, Knf>n, Syr. Jk^ol, Nab. ni>n SAC 151 , Ar. C*L5, vLl5, As. sulullu (=suluslu) Meissn ■"W-", cf. Dl WB ; v. also M 8S * Dr Dn5 ' 7 );— emph. Nnbn adv. as one of three Dn 5 16 • s * (Bev <Ae </wVi day, every three days, v. So in M 8S *). M "Tlbri adj. denom. (only BArani.) as subst. third (ruler), i.e. triumvir (M S9 *), cf. foregoing, which possibly is abnormal form of same (EX '*"-- 3 ), Dn 5 7 . t["-n^n] adj. third (X v}$, Syr. J&&1);— f. ^n"^ Kt, nxn. Qr(K»"- n, >) Dn 2 M the third kingdom. iyrhn n.indecl. thirty;— n p»V Dn 6 8 -' 3 . tn?2n adv. there (so Eg. Aram. (RES 36186 [also fun A4 , so Cilia, Cooke 685 , cf. Palm, pn ib. ls ' 3 , Syr. <JL] S-C A4 - J6 ); $ JOT, Syr. ^soL'v. BH 00);— Ezr5 ,? 6'- ,! ; TT;d thence 6". T [n?3n] n.m. wonder, as wrought by God (I Syr.; cf. BH pK>nj);— pi. abs. PilOn Dne 28 ; emph. N;ntpn 3 32 , pi. sf. 'rrinDn v 33 . NJJl (X Syr.; =BH IT. nje>, Vif, *1V). t[f r 3Jn] adj. second; — fs. Win (K'^') Dn 7 b /' tni^DJn (K' 66 ' 2 ) adv. the second time;— Dn2 ; . t[pn] Bja.,pgPJJ (K* 65Anm -')f.,two(so in Aram, dialects generally (note Nab. f. pmn over ag. Palm, jmn Lzb* 9 ) ; v. Philippi 2 '"""" (i»rs).o«.. ad j < Mc. to M' "');— m. only cstr. in 1'BTJ 'in <u,-rfve, after n.m. pi. Dn 4 M Ezr 6 ,; ; f. after n.f. pi. TA. pHE 1 P3B* Dn 6' years swtfy and two; =ord., P(7"}0 J"I3E> 4^ second year. tN^riDn Kt, Wl- Qr, n.m. pi. name of official Dn 3 " (so Eg. Aram. B.ES S6,B4 (Wl K'SCIJI tonDTl ; meaning unknown, conj. in Bev, Behrm, cf. Dr).


t[7J5JH] vb. weigh (X Syr.; BH fetf Spa 7 );— Pe'il Pf. 2 ms. «n^i?n (W CG224 ) Dn 5" thou luist been weiglied, 3 of scales. iSgJjl n.[m.] shekel (v. BH ^; % X^n);_abs.'n Dn 5 2i - 27 ; v. N3D and reff. t[|pn] vb. be in order (I Syr.; BH (late)); — Hoph. P/. 1 s. njipnn (W CG22i ) Dn 4 33 / was established, ?S> of kingdom. t [*1 pJ^jvb. grow strong (X Syr.; BH,q.v., (late));— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. P,jW, of tree, Dn 4 817 ; 2 ms. RBpi? 4 19 , of king ; 3 fs. J1&PR 5 s0 fig. ^row arrogant, of spirit of man. Pa. make strong, stringent : Inf. nDjsri? Dn 6 s ace. of interdict. trpri n.[m.] might;— cstr. ^DPI TQ Dn

!; . of king. 

t[F)'pn] n.[m.] id.;— emph. KBjOT Dn 2 37 . ' [n , (?^] a 4j- strong, mighty; — fs. abs. ns'ipn, of kingdom, Dn 2 4 " (like iron), v 4: ; "— 7 7 , of beast ; mpl. abs. P? , i?!il, of kings Ezr 4 s0 , God's wonders Dn g". []"n.n], pjpvvi f»o, v. ten. t jnn n.[m.] gate, door (X Syr.; BH "#, ■/i. ~VW); — cstr. 'n: 1. door of furnace Dn3 26 . 2. ^ate of king, i.e. palace, court, Dn2 3 (cf. Est 2", v."# 3 a; also Ar. J,U gate, then iJJl f7te cowri of a sovereign ; pi. i_>l^j.ill Sublime Porte, of Turkish court, v. esp. Dozy'- 124 ). t [inn i.e. tarrd' K' 59 *] n.m. porter, door- keeper, in temple: pi. emph. K'STjn Ezr 7 14 . T^riri Pers. perfect in Syria; — Ezr5 3 - 6 6 613 ; eavdavas, Tavdavai, A eadSami ; ©L TavBavmos , 'S.UTivvrjt ; Itamvtjs also 3 Esdr 6 3 7 s6 J os 12, 89. etc. /T „„PMlt. Hieron. 162n.i AS j litt'Mi. . ^J[ay Kn,,t. jj2 assumes OP * Thilhnaya, or * Tliathnaia) ; but Ukanni, UUanu, was prefect in Syria under Darius, ace. to contr. tablets, v. Strassm Darius "• ffi ; names prob. identical; Meissn zawmihisb), "if. reads therefore WWh (^Wl Hpt), cf. Buhl Gu iizr.N«h.63 ) . Scheft 94 , however, thinks '3nn= 'ion = OP thasna, Av. sdsna {leaching), and this transp. in NBab. Ustanu.