Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/468

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rWBJ 444 location) of 'Ar; rOBb «S"]t^ 2 S 23' they are burned in the (same) place, i.e. on the spiot, but del. 'v We Dr Bu ; *V# Ob 3 his (thy) dwelling- jAace. — 11. rQ3> v. sub rot?. f 1. [niT'ir] n.f. sojourn ( = *n3^ ace. to Thes) — only ira'E'a 2 S 1 9 s3 during his sojourn; but rd. in2E>a, v. 3gj Qal 2.— 11. rrfB* v. sub T^NIllI^ Leviteof the 14th course

Ch 24 13 ; but © IVA/3a, A ©L Io-jSnaX. 

TJIIIEQ -®" 1 one of David's heroes

S 23" © (&o<r6<, ©L If<r£aaX (|| I Ch n" has 

DV3E", q.v. sub 3-lt?); id. nB^BT^Ijl q. v. tlin "Gttf" Kt, 223 "Stfj Qr, a gigantic Philistine 2 S 21 16 ; but read 3:3 XlXfa and they dwelt in Gob, and tr. to v 15 We Dr Bu. t^^Ip2^^ , a son of Heman 1 Ch t 't : : r 25 4M ; © l€c/3a<raic<i(Ta!>), Barara, ®L U<t$ok. tVSfff 1 ('1 «e«e<A, causeth to dwell; cf. Ph. ^J?3e" (? = ^V33B")) — a Simeonite I Ch 4 s6 © I<ra/3ia, ©L Iw<raj3in. t^ffiift n.m. 2K2 - 19 seat, assembly, dwell- ing-place, dwelling, dwellers; — abs.'D ^ 107 4 + 4t; cstr. 3tri» Ex^+gt.; sf. 'ae/iD Jb 29 7 etc. ; pi. cstr. , ?E'to Ez 34 13 ; sf. 2 mpl. D3'TI3K ; iD etc. Ex 1 2 20 + 1 1 1. ; sf. 3 mpl. DfiaB^D etc. 10°+ 5 t.; BnvpBnD EZ37 23 , but* read '31E>p <AeiV apostasies © Comm., see VB ; BtpnaflD Ez6 14 ;-1. a. «ea< 1 S20 18 - 25 - 25 Jb2 9 7 ; fig. VOB* D^K 'D Ez 28 s . b. sitting = those sitting, sitting company or assembly, 3B/1D in? j| 1 k 1 o 6 ( || wr$Q nnj|D) = 2 Ch 9 4 ; so + i ' io 7 32 (II ' n P)- 2. a. dwelling-place of people, tribe, etc., oft. = territory, district, or, later, city; Gn io» 27 39 (both J), Ex io 23 (E), Nu 24 21 (JE>, Gn 36 43 (P), Ez6 14 48 15 1 Ch 4 s3 6 39 7 s8 ; JOKn 'D Ex 34" = habitable jdaces of the land; distinct from city DTia^CS Dnny Nu 31 10 , cf. Ez 6 6 , but also 3En» T| ftOf*- 7M ; of Zion as '■>'D 132". T». alm. = abstr. dwelling 3^10 JV3 T| Lv 2 5 M (P); "Q jn« Nu 15 2 Zand 0/ your dwelling-places or dwelling (P). c. = house Ex i2 M (|| JV3 v"), 35' Lv 3 17 7 M 13 46 23 314 - 21 - 3 ' Nu 35 19 (all P), Lv 23 17 (H). 3. situation of city 2K2"; location of image Ez 8 3 . 4. time of dwelling Ex 12 40 (P). 5. coll.= those dwelling, TJ) 3ftB i)3 2 S 9 12 a7i tfwse dwelling m the house of Siba. — Ez 37 23 v. supr. and nyarg sub awf, t2»in n.m. Lv2546 sojourner, only P (H) and late; abs. 'n Gn23 4 +6t.; cstr. 3Bnn Lv ' ; sf-iaenn 25 s ; pi. Dv?e*,n v 6 + 2 t.; cstr. VVF 1 K 17', but read fiasfrl (q. v.) © Ew Th Hi; — sojourner, appar. of a more temporary and dependent (Lv 22' 25 6 ) kind than the ">j! (with which it is often joined): || TOfe' Ex 12 45 (P), Lv 2 2 lo (f0 3 ' n a priest's sojourner), 2 5 6 - 40 (all H) ; D3G>y Dnan nnennn v*(cpt.ij also v 6 ); c. dv, also Lv 2 47 - 47 (H); c. }ina Nu 35 15 (P). Fig. of one enjoying only a temporary tenure, c. DV Gn 2 3 4 , with '" Lv 25 s3 + 39 13 , c. Vsb 1 Ch 29".— iKij'v. supr. nSttT v. naB*. •atr asoxfr v. aw>. ■St' t : t t pHXp* 1 v. p3B>. Mlu* ( /of following ; meaning uncertain; ace. to Fl De rr2,7 =Ar. Lit, in. lit, var. Uj, assist, support : but this dubious ; v. Lane 60 (cf. Wetzst ZDMG18e8 - U9 ) ace. to whom this is a second, sense from to make equal (viz. by giving to another of one's own property, etc.)) TrPtyin n.f. sound, efficient wisdom, abiding success (on der., v. supr. ; ace. to Fl De prop, advancement, or mental aptitude that advances : for the form, cf. H2V1 and n*3Sn ; Sta* 202 ), a technical term of the WisdLtj— a. sound, efficient wisdom Is 2S 29 (of '») MvM .i-cnn b'i:n nxv ; Pr 3 21 nan?* 'n -to ; 8 14 (Wisdom speaks) 'm nxV. »5> ; 18 1 vkn) 'ri ^3^ ; Jb 1 1 6 (of '" : v. Di), 1 2 6 'HI TV 1BV; 26 3 3n^> 'm nv^in (II noan N^b nxv:). b. of the effect of sound wisdom, abiding success (for the com- bination of meanings, cf. - ), |B'n to shew wisdom, and also to achieve success), Jb 5 12 iM^ffJJTl X?1 'n DIVT do not achieve abiding success; 6 13 and abiding success (|| ^"ItJ?) is driven from me; p r 2 7 'n D > ']f^ i'3s> ; ki 6" i^v ntr> mjm, i.e. (si vera 1.) he that seeth (heedeth) thy name is well-advised (Ges s,54Sb3 ; Dav* 29 " 1 ).— n;B>ri Jb 30 22 , v. sub nib + niri" 1 a Simeonite 1 Ch 4 s4 ; © Io)tr(f)la, A IaxTtaff, ©L Igxk. TrT'V^i' 1 one of David's heroes I Ch II 46 ; © W(<:)«i, ©L 2o«ria.