Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/845

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nyo f" so (c. F!|) 12 3 ; of stone Is 21" (c."ae>), Ju 3 19 - 26 (cf. OFM), stone or metal Mi i 7 2 Ch 34' (nn?), c f. v 3 - 4 ; (sheathed with) silver Is 30 s3 . I. DDS (v/offoll.; perh. cp. n'tyfi spread ; cf. Ph.(Pu.) OS tablet ; Aram. NB3 , J&aS ,= BH). t [DE] n.[m.] flat of hand or foot (palm, sole); — only D^DB n3J13 tunic reaching to palms and soles (v. 'a) On 3 7 3 - 23 - 32 2 S i3 ,819 (cf. Dr). T [nDE] n.f. dub.; if correct, prob. abun- danoe, plenty () prop, spread out) ; — cstr. 13 T1D3 y, 7 2 16 ; Lag Gr Che al. read nyse*. til. [DD3] vb. disappear, vanish (si vera 1., cf. As. pasasu, do away, blot out (esp. sins));— Qal Pf. 3 pi. fD IDS + 12 2 the faithful have vanislied (Che Dr) from (among) . . . men ; Lag„i»t Gr We Du read JUJ2X ^ Is l6 ^_ THECE Asherite 1 CI17 38 , ®ao<f>a(i). t [iTJ/S] vb. groan (onomatop. ace. to Thes ; NH Hiph. bleat, so Ar. ^o, ( ju Dozy; Aram.NSJ^Ljis bleat);— Impf. 1 s. nj;3K nnbi»3 Is 42" (of '» straining himself to deliver Isr., + Dfete [«&], e|KE*)._ [ySK] Is 4!=", v . p . 6 7 .

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] a kind of viper (Thes 'a flando et sibilando;' cf. Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) viper, Eth. (Symbol missinglanguage characters) id.);— (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 306 595, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 2016. t^J*B, '♦yB, ! lVaGn36 39 = ^3 I Ch I 50 ;' *o yw/) , ©LCh *aova. .J/2 vb. do, make (poet, for wy) (NH ?yi3 workman, cf. J Aram. ; Ph. b])E>= BH (oft.); Ar. Jij ?'d.; OAram. ?ys; Syr. in der. spec, and deri v.) ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. Dt 3 2 27 + , i>X ^>3 Nu 2 3 C3 , 2 ms. "bj?B Ex 1 5 17 + , etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. 7ys? Jb 22 17 + ; 2 ms. -^yBPI 358, etc.; Inf. cstr. D ffir? Jb 37 12 (v. infr.); ' Pt. act. ^|i 5 ! +) pi. cstr. h>'3 5 « +; etc.;— 1. <fo .- a. of God, c. acc. (abstr.) Nu 2323 Dt 3227 Jb 3326, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 7412; +(Symbol missingHebrew characters) pers. ψ 3120 6826 Is 2612 Jb 2217; c. acc.cogn. ?y3^44 2 Hbi 5 ; 13 ,cf.4i 4 . b. of men, c. ace. f 1 1 3 Jb 1 1 8 , + b pers. (God) 7 20 , +3 pers. (God) 35 s ; esp. of doing evil, yg Ho 7 1 , ty Jb 34 3 -, r6]j? 3 6™ ^58' 1 19 3 , p«  Pr 30'°, esp. JIN ^y : 3 Ho 6 8 Is 31 3 Jb 31 3 34"" f 5" + 1 5 *• *. Pr 1 o 29 2 1 15 , JTJ b$jS Mi 2 ' ; rarely of doing right, c. ace. it3EB>0 Zp 2 3 , p^S fr 15 2 . c. of clouds, c. ace. Jb37 12 (disregarding ). . make: a. of God, c. ace. concr. EXI5 17 ; + b rei Pr 16 4 , b of 2nd obj. •f 7"; 'bjj'a Jb 36 s wiy Maker, b. of man, c. ace. concr. Is 44 12 ' 16 ; ace. om. 44 12 ^7". — Is I 31 v. ?y3. bVB n.m. rr *" doing, deed, work (poet, and late, nearly = ns>J?p) ;— .'a a bs. Hb 1' 1// 44; cstr. Dt33 ll + ; sf. ftj|B 3 2 4 + , ^J|3 Is i 31 (Ko "• 1 ' 35 ' 493 Ges S93 '>, v. infr.), Je 22 13 ; D3.byB Is 4 i«, etc.; pi. Q^'S aS»3*i(3m";— 1. <feerf, thing done : a. of God, vl'B his work in pro- vidence Dt 32 4 Is 5 12 Jb 36"; in deliverance i/M4 2 (as ace. cogn.), 7 7" +5 t.; in judgment 64 10 95 9 , as ace. cogn. Hb 1°. b. of false gods Is 41 24 . c. of men, daily toil Jb 24 s ^ 104 23 ; specif, act Eu 2 12 ; l'T 'B f sacrificing Dt 33"; pi. of achievements 2 S 23 20 = 1 Ch 1 I 32 ; action as having moral quality Jb 34" Pr 20" 24 1229 , evil implied Je 25 14 50 29 Jb 36 s ty 28 4 , VB3 t 9"; D»n 'D IS59 6 ; good action Pr2i 8 . 2. work, thing made : a. by hands of God IS45 911 (of men), b. by man Is I 31 (i. e. prob. his idol Ges Che Comm - Di al.; >read &$ Lag 8eml - 5 Sta «*»«»»«'). 3. W a 6 eso/ W or>fcJe22 13 Jb7 2 . 4. acquisition of treasures Pr2i 6 . TLn^J'Ej n.f. work, reeompenoe (poet, and late)';— cstr. rfeySi Lv 19 13 -)-, sf. VIj^B IS49 4 , etc.; pi. cstr. ni^B ^ if, rb- 2 8 5 ; — 1. work : a. pi. deeds of* i//- 28 s . b. of men, yjf 17 4 (pi.); toil, suffering Je 31 16 ; good action 2 Ch 15 7 , wicked Is 65*, "ipf '3 Pr 1 1". 2. wages (as earned by work) Lv i9 13 Pr io 16 (II W)! EZ29 20 ; reward (from '") Is4 9 4 6i 8 ; prob. fig. of people won back by '"< in warfare 40 10 62" (|| "OK'); of punishment, f 109 20 . t^ri^S Levite 1 Ch 26 s , hxf>6o<r- ~kaa6t, A ioa6i, ©L *«XXaft. t[7J>D^] n.[m.] work, thing made (by '");— plsf. V^BO Pr8 22 . f[n^DQ] n.[f.] deed (of '»);— pi. cstr. '" ni^jrao ^ 4 6 9 , W^ 'o 66 5 . t [D^/3] vb. thrust, impel (prob. orig. strike, hit, v. deriv., and Ph. DyB foot); — Qal Inf. cstr. sf. 10J|B|> Ju 13 25 the spirit of '* began to impel him. Niph. be disturbed, Pf. 1 s. ♦BtpyjpJ f 77 s ; /to;)/ 3 fs. inn Dyini Gn 41 s Dn2 3 ; so Hithp. Impf. 3 fs. vTTI D^snni Dn 2 1 . Dl'E ]i6 n-f. 1 ' 8 ' 28 (masc. only Ju I6 28 [text suspicious, v.GFM AlbrZAW xvi (1896), 76Synt.§ 268 m ], 2 S 239 [<Qr fem.], 1 K 730 [crpt., v. infr.]) beat,