Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/874

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•TO 850 -»i2 Tyre v. -ft. TO &?*& ▼.•"*|I. [/VC?] Hiph. IS27 4 v. T». nSv. row. NTOv. iq?7. JinX (/of foil.; Ar. li*(j) oe cloudless, so Eth. S/ha): Aram. Nnx, 'ns 6« thirsty). t[nns] adj. intens. parched (cf. Ges (M6c._ cgtrX oy nns Is 5" parched with thirst. t[nntf] vb. be dazzling (£ nXPlS juKftfc; Syr. x.j 6« scorcfted, Aph. declare in writing (make clear), t~.LT clarus,lucidus,fvlgidus; { J^sms^>, liLS , »moo(A, pJam) ;— Qal Pf. 3 pi. 3^10 *«  La4 7 (|| JJ^O ^l), </tey are more dazzling (i.e. whiter) than milk (of effeminate skin). TTO adj. dazzling, glowing, clear; — DH njf Is 1 8* glowing heat; I"l5f n~ Je 4 11 glowing wind; DitKl l"IX '•Til Ct 5 10 my beloved is dazzling (white) and ruddy (cf. La 4") ; fpl. ninjf "13"]p Is 32 4 to spea& cZear (words), clearly. X [rPTO] n.[m.] shining, glaring, surface cstr. V?D n^ns i.e. a smooth, bare, rock Ez 24 7s 26 414 ; pi. BWrwa Ne 4 7 Qr (Kt D^nnxa), in glaring, bare places (1). tnlTTO n.f. scorched land;— '* ^ 68 7 . t • : t[nn^TO] n.[f.] scorched region; — pi. ninxmr is 58". pS (Vof foil.; NH n3n2{=BH; Aram. KTOnx stinking fluid, ^L., )U[foul). t[n3m] ni. stench; — sf. injTOt Jo 2 20 (|| iew3).— Cf. runx nap Ecclus n 12 . t[pn^] vb. laugh (Ar. isisJj, laugh, Syr. ^, cf. Ba KSM ; v. also pi*),— Qal i 5 /. 3 &• n^nv Gn i8 u , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. ~PD£ Gn 21 6 , pnx*i 17"; 3 f 8 . pnxrn 18 12 ;— laugh, Gn i8 12 - 131515 (J), 1 t 7 (P); c - ^ a *> concerning, 21*. Pi. imp/, pnri Ju 16 25 ; /«/. crfr. pmrj> Ex 32", (-3) U3 prift Gn 3Q 14 -' 7 ; Ft. pnXD Gn 19" 26 s , pmro 2 1 9 ; — 1. jest Gn 19 14 (J). 2. sport, ^ay Gn 21 9 (E) Ex 32* (J); make sport for Jui6 2S ( , ?.?i>; || u ^"PD'n); toy with (IV*), of con- jugal caresses Gn 26 s (cf. Doughty Ar * l '• De ■• 1 • 23, ), maie a toy of, c. 3, 39 14 ' 7 (all J). tph2 n.[m.] laughter;— 'K *{> rift pHX Gn 2i'(E) laughter hath God caused for me; pro =laughing-stock, Ji^l '*? njTUp Ez 23- 12 (del. ® B Hi Co Berthol Siegf Krae ; ' not Toy). prEr pnto^ liradK-. Isaac, son ' t : • 108' ' t : • 4 m of Abr. and Sarah (he laugheth, cf. play upon nameGni8 ,2, (J)-2i 6 (E),i7 1719 (P);26 8 (J));— pnx? Gn 2 1 3 - 4 - 5 (E) + , 2 4 62 - 63 - 67 (J) + , 1 7 1921 (P)+ , (80 t. Gn, 9 t. Ex, 7 t. Dt), Lv 26 42 Nu 32" Jos 24", 1 K 18 36 2 Ch 13 23 1 Ch i 29 - 3484 i6 16 29" 2 Ch 30 6 ; +pn'f! Je 33 26 + 105 9 , and (=Israel) pnfc" nios Am 7 9 , pnt5» ITS v 16 . "inX (-/of foil.; cf. Ar.J&S xi. dry wp, become yellow [parched by sun], i^s^e reddish- gray colour (v. Mull K0nl ^ bst » dl - 6 )). F[inS] n.[m.] reddish-gray, tawny; — inv "1DX Ez 2 7 1S wool of reddish-gray, tawny wool, or (Hi-Sm Krae), o/land Sachar (si vera 1.; Co del. "ins as dittogr.). t^TO] adj. tawny;— fpl. rfnhx MiJhK Ju 5 '». t"^n2 1. father of Ephron the Hittite Gn 23 s 25°, taap. 2. son of Simeon Gn 46 10 Ex 6 16 , 2aap. 3. name in Judah 1 Ch 4 7 Qr (tn'SI ; Kt 1W), 2aap, ®L Ewrap. ~TVP_ 1 Ch 4 7 Kt, v. foregoing. + 1. S n.m. l! * 21 ship (loan-word from Egypt. t'al, ace. to Bondi ", cf. Erman 2MG *• (1892 >- m DHM voj,iii.7.i65. — abg.nnK ijf IS33 21 a majestic ship; pi. 07 Nu 24" (JE), Ez 30 9 ('X3; but ® vniv- 6-omts, cf. <&, whence Co Berthol CX?). fa. t" 1 ^] n.m. JeIi0 ' S9 a wild beast, prop, either desert-dweller (denom. from HJJf, so most), or orier,yelper(/*mv=c?yi[y«^,Dozy],Ba NB198 , cf. Ew' 14 "'"*); — in any case a specif, animal, but not certainly identif.; Bo B1 " OI1, " bs>} ", cp. Ar. '^iwild cat;— V . WS Isi 3 21 (f. D'JK v 22 ), 23" 34 14 ( + D ! { <), Je5o M (id.; all betokening desolation); 1$B$+ 74 ,4 ( rd - /5f ^Hup-Now Bae); appar. of people 72 9 , but prob. corrupt, 01 conj. CIS (1| 1*5*), and so most moderns. HQIS and (2 S 1 6 4 ) N2!J 2(e)./3a: T ■ V ' T * 16 servant of Saul's house, 2 S 9 s ' 2 +I4t-9> l6 ' 1 9 < t|VT»? and (Gnio ,519 49 s ) ]T>2 Siddn, 2480)1/, ancient Phoenician city, on coast N. of Tyre (in As. Sidun(n)u, COT 010 "; TelAm. $iduna, Ph. |TX, OAram. fTV; in Egypt. Dir(d)u-na, WMM ** »• Eur - 184 ) ; — ' first-born ' of