Page:A History of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania.djvu/130

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A Faculty of Natural Sciences organized by the Board of Trustees—Death of Dr. Wistar—Sketch of his life and services to the University—Anatomical Museum—Dr. Dorsey succeeds Dr. Wistar—Death of Dr. Dorsey—Sketch of his life—Transfer of Dr. Physick to the Chair of Anatomy —Election of Dr. Gibson to the Chair of Surgery—Dr. Horner appointed Adjunct Professor of Anatomy.

When Dr. Barton left the Chair of Materia Medica in 1813, the associated branches of Botany and Natural History were without an exponent. This was not without attention on the part of the Board of Trustees, and on October 4, 1816, we are informed by the Minutes that the Board proceeded to the consideration of the plan for establishing a Faculty of Natural Sciences, and passed the following resolutions:—

“That a Faculty, denominated the Faculty of Natural Science, be instituted in this University. The said Faculty shall at present consist of the following Professorships, reserving to the Trustees the power to combine or subdivide the Professorships as may hereafter be found expedient, provided no such alteration take place during a course of lectures:—

“1. A Professorship of Botany.

“2. A Professorship of Natural History, including Geology and Zoology.

“3. A Professorship of Mineralogy and Chemistry, applied to Agriculture and the Arts.

“That the Professorship of Natural Philosophy be detached from the Medical Department, and be connected with, and form a part of, the Faculty of Natural Science.

“That the Professorship of Botany and Natural History, as part of the Medical Faculty, shall be and is hereby abolished.”

At a subsequent meeting it was resolved that a Professorship of Comparative Anatomy be added to those already established in the Faculty of Natural Science.