Page:A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law (OBP.0188, 2020).pdf/14

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Bvb The book concerning offences and oaths (Norw Brotsverksbolken)
Intr Introduction (Norw Innleiing)
Jkb The book concerning land purchase (Norw Jordkaupebolken)
KrbA The first book concerning Church Law (Norw Den fyrste kristendomsbolken)
KrbB The second book concerning Church Law (Norw Den andre kristendomsbolken)
Kvb The book concerning women (Norw Kvinnebolken)
Leb The book concerning the naval levy (Norw Leidangsbolken)
LlbA The first book concerning tenancy (Norw Den fyrste landsleigebolken)
LlbB The second book concerning tenancy (Norw Den andre landsleigebolken)
Mhb On inviolability of the person (Norw Mannhelgebolken)
R Amendments (Norw Rettarbøter)
Rgb The book concerning the legal process (Norw Rettargangsbolken)
Sab The book concerning wergild (Norw Sakøyrebolken)
Tfb The book concerning summons to a thing assembly (Norw Tingfarebolken)
Var A book on various topics/miscellaneous matters (Norw Bolk om ymse emne)
GL The Law of the Gotlanders (Sw Gutalagen)
Grg ‘The Grey Goose’ Laws of the Icelandic Commonwealth (ON Grágás)
Arþ Inheritance section (ON Arfa þáttr)
Bat The wergild ring list (ON Baugatal)
Feþ Betrothals section (ON Festa þáttr)
Fjl On hire of property (ON Um fjárleigur)
Hrs On commune obligations (ON Um hreppaskil)
Klb Christian Laws section (ON Kristinna laga þáttr)
Lbþ Land claims section (ON Landbrigða þáttr)
Lrþ The Law Council section (ON Lögréttu þáttr)
Lsþ The Lawspeaker’s section (ON Lögsögumanns þáttr)
Misc ‘Miscellaneous articles’
Ómb Dependents section (ON Ómaga bálkr)
Rsþ Searches section (ON Rannsókna þáttr)
Tíg On tithe payment (ON Um tíundargjald)
Vís Treatment of homicide (ON Vígslóði)
Þsþ Assembly procedures section (ON Þingskapa þáttr)
GS The Saga of the Gotlanders (Sw Gutasagan)
GuL The Gulathing Law (Norw Gulatingsloven)
Arb The book concerning inheritance (Norw Arvebolken)
Kpb The book concerning trade (Norw Kjøpebolken)