Page:A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law (OBP.0188, 2020).pdf/557

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Appendix F: Calendar of Church Feast and Fast Days
Date or extent of feast where more than one day; range of dates for the feast, where it is movable Feast name in the Old Norse Laws Language (Standard) English translation and explanatory notes
1st February brigíðarmessa ON Feast of St Brigid
movable: the Sunday before Ash Wednesday: 1st February–7th March kötsunnudagher OSw Sunday before Lent, Quinquagesima
2nd February maríumessa recorded as kyndilmessa in a manuscript variant ON Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
kyndilmæssa OSw Candlemas
movable: 4th February–10th March askuoþensdagher OSw Ash Wednesday
movable: from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday): 4th February until 21st March–10th March until 24th April langafasta ON Lent
movable: 8th February–14th March hvitisunnudagher (drottins dags i hvita dogum in Grg) OSw First Sunday in Lent
22nd February pétrsmessa ON Feast of St Peter (not to be confused with the Feast of SS Peter and Paul, 29th June)
24th February matthiasmessa ON Feast of St Matthias
mattíasmessa ON An alternative date is 14th May
movable: the Sunday before Palm Sunday: 8th March–11th April kæra sunnudagher OSw Fifth Sunday in Lent, otherwise called Passion Sunday
12th March gregoriusmessa ON Feast of St Gregory
movable, starting with Palm Sunday:15th March–18th April dymbilvika OSw Holy Week (the week before Easter)
movable: 18th March–21st April kloknaoþensdagher OSw Wednesday in Holy Week,
Wednesday next before Easter
movable: 19th March–22nd April skærþorsdagher OSw Maundy Thursday
skíriþórsdagr ON
movable: 20th March–23rd April langafre(a)dagher OSw Good Friday
langafrjádagr ON
21st March benedictusmessa ON Feast of St Benedict
movable: 22nd March–25th April paskadagher OSw Easter Day
páskadagr ON Easter Day
movable: 22nd March–25th April paskar OSw Easter season
paske ODan
páskar ON
25th March mariumessa i fastu OGu Feast of the Annunciation, also called Lady Day
maríumessa í föstu ON
maríumessa um várit ON
varafrudagher (i fastu) OSw
16th April magnúsmessa ON Feast of St Magnus (Erlendsson of Orkney)
23rd April jóhannesmessa (variant of: jóansmessa) ON Feast of St Jón Ögmundarson, bishop of Hólar 1106–21 (celebrated from 1200; cf. note in the translation of Grágás)