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an ' PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND 00. 17 wwvuavvwvvvvvvvvvv vw~a& ~r--up--as-urns v.~w--vars-seven-aunvwwrvvvvvwspup-;vrgq:'v'§~r~~':‘T:7qS{.- V‘. LINWOOD.—ANTHOLOGIA OXONIENSIS, Sive Florilegium e lusibus poeticis diversorum Oxoniensium Griecis et Latinis decerptum. Curante GULIELMO Lmwoon, M.A. Bdis Christi Alummo. 8vo. l-is. cloth. LORIMER.—LETTERS TO A YOUNG MASTER MARINER On some Subjects connected with his Calling. By the late CHARLES Loiiman. New Edit. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. 6d. cloth. “ This edition has been carefully revised, and some improvements and additions made to it. Nautical matters are not so much the subject of the book as the commercial duties and le al powers and responsibilities of the maattr mariner, under the critical circumstances in which he may continually End himself." spxcru-og, LOUDON.—THE AMATEUR GARDENER’S CALENDAR: Bein a Monthl Guide as to what should be avoided, as well as what should be done, in a Ga en in each onth: with lain Rules bow to do what is requisite; Directions for Laying Out and Planting Kitchen an Flower Gardens, Pleasure Grounds. and Slirubberies; and a short Account, in each Month, of the Quadrupeds, Birds, and Insects then most inj uiious to Gardens. By Mrs. LOUDON. l6mo.with Wood Engravings, 7s. 6d. cloth. LOUDON.-THE LADY’S COUNTRY COMPANION; Or, How to E oy a Country Lite Rationally. By Mrs. Lennon, Author of “ Gardening for A Ladies,” &c. ew Edition. Fcp. 8vo. with Plate and Wood Engravings, 7s. 6d. cloth. LOUDON.—SELF-INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNG GARDENERS, Forester, Bailitfs, Land Stewards, and Farmers; in Arithmetic, Book-keepiu Geometry Mensuration, Practical Trigonometiz, Mechanics, Land-Surveying, Levelling, Planning and Mapping, Architectural Drawin an lsometrical Projection and Perspective - with Examples shewing their applications to orticulture and Agricultural Purposes. By the late J. C. Lotismoivéd Wghha Portrait of Mr. Loudon, and a Memoir by Mrs. Loudon. 8vo. with Wood- cu , 7s. . c . LOUDON.—AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GARDENING: Presenting, in one systematic view. the History and Present State of Gardenin in all Coun- tries and its Theory and Practice in Great Britain: with the Management 0 the Kitchen Gar en, the Flower Garden, Laying-out Grounds, &c. ‘By J. C. LOUDON. New Edition, enlarged and improved. svo. with nearly 1,000 Engravinga on Wood, 50s. cloth. LOUDON.—AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TREES AND SHRUBS: bein the “ Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum” abrid ed: containing the Hardy Trees and hrubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, Scient ficall and Popularly Described; with their Propagation Culture, and Uses in the Arts; and wit Engravin of iiearl all the Species. Ada tied for the use of Nurser men, Gardeners, and Fores era. By . C. LOUDON. svo. wit 2,000 Engravings on W , £2. 10s. cloth. LOUDON.—AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGRICULTURE: Com rising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Transfer, Laying-out, Improvement and anagement of Landed Property, and of the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal ani Vegetable productions of Agriculture : including all the latest lm proveinents, a general History of griculture in all Countries, a Statistical View of its present State, with Suggestions for its future proé ess in the British Isles; and Supplement, bringing down the work to the year 1844. o.BylJ.h . Lounon. New Edition. svo. with upwards of 1,100 Engravings on Wood, £2. 1 . c ot . LOUDON.—AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLANTS: Includin all the Plants which are now found in, or have been_introduced into, Great Britain ; giving t eir Natural History, accompanied by such descn tions, engraved figures, and elementary details, as may enable a beginner, who is a mere .nglish reader, to discover the name of every Plant which he may find in flower, and acquire all the iiiformatioii respecting it which is useful and iiiterestiig. Bfi J. C. LONDON. The _S_peciii_c Characters by an Eminent Botanist; the Drawings by J. . C. Sowerby. New Editioii with Supplement, and new General Index. 8vo. with nearly 10,000 Wood Engravings, 4:3. 13s. 6d. cloth. LOUDON.—AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COTTAGE, FARM, AND VILLA ARCHITECTURE and FURNITURE; containin numerous Designs, from the Villa tothe Catt eand.the Farm, including Farm Houses, arn cries, and other. Agricultural Buildin ; untr Inns. Public Houses, and Parochial Schools; with the requisite Fittings- ili£,.Fix urea, and urniture and appro r_iate Ofiice, Gardens and Garden Scener :_e_ach ign accompanied by Analytical and ritical Remarks. By I. C, Lennon. New ition, edited by Mrs. Lennon. 8vo. with more than 2,000 Engravings on wood, £3. ssicloth.