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PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND 00. 29 .av~.—..... ~.Vvs.-us....-.a~..vs.~..~..y..«~a.'v~.av~.—w.o~.v~a~asauv—.¢vs—~.a.—v-av-r—v~...¢—~v-—..v.a~vuvvsauwvvvwwvvvs/spvusas/V STABLE TALK AND TABLE TALK; or, SPECTACLES for YOUNG SPORTSMEN. By Haaair Hisovna. New Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. with Portrait, 24s. cloth. STEEL’S SHIPMASTER’S ASSISTANT; Compiled for the use_of Merchants, Owners and Masters of Ships, Oflicers of Customs, and all Persons connected with Shipping or Commerce: containing the Law and Local Regulations aflecting the Ownership, Charge, and Manargement of Ships and their Cargoes; together with Notices of other Matters, and all necessary nformation for Mariners. New Edition, rewritten throughout. Edited by GRAHAM WILLMORE, Esq. M.A. Barrister-at-Law; GEORGE CLEMENTS, of the Customs, London; and WILLIA M Tara, Author of “ The Modern Camhist.” 8vo. 28s. cloth; or, 29s. bound. STEPHEN.-ESSAYS IN ECCLESIASTICAL BIOGRAPHY. By the Right Hon. Sir James STEPHEN, K.C.B. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s. cloth. “ As a complete treasury_of biography of men whose lives deserve to be known, we heartily recommend these volumes to all who can admire talent love healthy reading, and are desirous, not only of rich amusement, but of being furnished with instruction wor i the remembering.” Cnuacn um S'ra-rs Gazirrrn. STEPHEN.—HISTORY OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, from the Reiorination to the Present Time. B THOMAS STEPHEN, Author of “The Book or the Constitution,” “ Spirit of the Church of me,” &c. 4 vols. svo. with 24 highly-finished Portraits engraved on steel, 32s. cloth. STEPHENS.--A MANUAL OF BRITISH COLEOPTERA, or, BEETLES: containin aDescription of all the Species of Beetles hitherto ascertained to inhabit Great Britain an Ireland, &c. With a Complete Index of the Genera. By J. F. STEPHENS, F.L.S. Author of “ Illustrations of Entomology.” Post 8vo. 14s. cloth. THE STUD, FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES AND PRACTICAL MEN: being a Guide to the Choice of a Horse for use more than for show. By HARRY Hiiiovaa, Author of “ Stable Talk and Table Talk.” Uniform with the “ The Pocket and the Stud.” With Two Plates, one representing “ A pretty good sort tor most purposes ;” the other “ ‘ Rayther’ a bad sort for any purpose.” Fcp. 8vo. 5s. half-bound. “ A useful guide, not only to the practised buyer and seller of horse flesh, but to a person who intends to be a p-=rcliaser only on some special occasions. It will guard him against man a fraud, if it does not quite put him up to the good points; and after the perusal of this little volume it would be di cult for the knowing ones to take him in, Before buying a horse, therefore, we.would advise all our readers to procure and peruse this volume : they will save the cost ten times over in the bargain." Cm-nc, THE SUITOR’S INSTRUCTOR IN THE PRACTICE OF THE COUNTY COURTS : containin all the Information necessar for Conducting or Defending 3. Suit; the Fees pa able on each tep; Definitions of the Legal erms used in the Proceedings; an Abstract of the ct of Parliament; the Rules of Practice, &c. &c. Also, a District Directory, 'ving the Names of all the Streets (and the number of Houses in each Street) which form the oundaries of the Metropolitan Districts, made from an actual Per-imbulation arouna. each ; and a List of the Country Districts. By a County Court Assistant Clerk. l2mo. 4s. 6d. cloth. SWAIN.—ENGLISH MELODIES. By CHARLES SWAIN, Author of “The Mind, and other Poems.” Fcp. 8vo. 6s. cloth. “ A volume of lyrics which will be read with avidity. . . .'l‘he -liversity of sub'ects—the harmony of rh thm—the feeling and liindliness of he-_art—the pathos manifested-.-must render this boo deservedly popu ar. ore is in numbers of the songs a striking originality that cannot fail to charm the reader and rivet his attention.” Suzwu Turns. TATE.-THE CONTINUOUS HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF ST. PAUL, on the basis of the Acts; with lntercalary Matter of Sacred Narrative, supplied from the Epistles, and elucidated in occasional Dissertations: with the Home Paulina: of Dr. Pale , in a more correct edition, subjoined. By JAMES TA'ris, M.A. Canon Residentiary of St. aul’s. 8vo. with Map, 138. cloth. TAYLER.—MARGARET ; Or, the Pearl. By the Rev. CHARLES B. Tarn: R, M.A._Rector of St. Peter's, Chester, Author of “ Lady Mary; or, Not of the World,” &c. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. cloth. TAYLER.-LADY MA RY; Or, Not of the World. By the Rev. Ciuinnss B. Tavnsn, Rector of St. Peter's, Chester; Author of“ Margaret, or the Pearl,” &c. New Edition, with a Frontispiece engraved by J. Ansonox. Fcp. svo. 6s. 6d. cloth. -