Page:A Recommendation of Inoculation - John Morgan.djvu/6

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As it is not unlikely the Small-Pox may spread in this Country, it has been thought that the republication of Dimsdale's method of inoculation might be very reasonable at this time, and not less useful. In case the practice of inoculation should hereafter be permitted, the writer of the following pages was requested to favour the editor with a recommendatory preface, to which he readily consented, not doubting it's being received with candor; as a desire of being serviceable to the community, was the motive for complying with that request. Being written in haste, and amidst a hurry of business, the indulgent reader will, it is presumed, kindly overlook any inaccuracies that have arisen from his not having had it in his power to devote but a few hours to this otherwise agreeable task.