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"To break into the offices!" burst from my lips.

"Th' haythins!" muttered Matt Gory. "Just let me be afther gittin' a-hould of thim! Oi'll spile their looks so their own mothers won't know thim!" and he shook his club determinedly.

"You are certain there is no mistake, Dan?"

"Positive, Oliver. It seems one of the rascals once worked for the firm and he knows all about the affairs. He is certain Longley is sleeping in an upper front room, and he has a false key to one of the back doors."

"They cannot be doing this by authority, Dan. Hadn't we better notify the guard?"

"And get arrested for our pains? No, let us beat them at their own game. We are three to four, and Longley will make the count on both sides even. I am not afraid of them, even if they do carry daggers. Such cutthroats are generally cowards when cornered."