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"It aint so!" stormed the former skipper of the schooner.

"It is so."

"And you tried to take my life!" I called out, as I showed myself for the first time.

"Raymond!" he ejaculated, and for the instant he could say no more.

"I have a good body of men with me," continued Watt Brown, "and I warn you to keep off."

"The ship is mine, and I intend to have her," was the reckless return.

Captain Kenny turned to Ah Sid and spoke to the Chinaman. In return the former cook of the Dart interpreted his remarks for his countrymen.

A short discussion took place, and then Captain Kenny called out once more.

"We are coming on board, Brown, and the best thing you can do is to make a peaceful surrender."

"We won't surrender, and if you come ten feet nearer we'll open fire on you."

"You won't dare!"

"We will dare. Do you know who this boat belongs to?"

"She belongs to me."

"She belongs to the United States Government—or will belong to the government very soon."