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you (Very good! Very good! From the left—Protestations from the centre and the right)

Yes, as to myself, I am tranquil about my memory I am sure of what is reserved for it, for the act to which I give myself up at this moment, but for you I am certain there shall be days when you shall regret your precipitation (Come then! Come then!)

(From the left—Very good! Very Good!)

M Thiers—Ah well! as to myself—

M Le Marquis do Piré, with violence—You are the antipatriotic trumpet of disaster (Do not interrupt!) Go to Coblentz! (Several members who surround M De Piré make him sit down)

M Thiers—Abuse me,—insult me,—I am ready to submit to every thing to save the blood of my fellow-citizens that you are ready to shed so imprudently!

M The Keeper of the Great, Seal—No!No!

M Le Maiquis de Piré—I do not speak of your person I speak of your principles

M Le President Schneider—M De Prió the demonstrations of your colleagues dispense the President from enjoining you silence

M Thiers—I suffer, be believe it, to have to speak thus

M Le Marquis do Piré—It is we he suffer to hear you? (Diverse exclamations)

M Thiers—It is my conviction, I repeat it to you in two words, for if I wished to demonstrate it to you, you would not listen to me, you choose ill this occasion for the reparation that you desire, and which I desire like you

M Gambetta—Very good!

M Thiers—Full of this sentiment, hen I see that yielding to your passions, you do not wish to take one instant for reflection, that you do not wish to demand a sight of the despatches upon which your judgment could be stayed, I say, gentlemen, permit me this expression, that you do not fulfil in all their extent the duties which are imposed upon you

M Le Baron Jerôme David—Keep your lessons, we dispense with them