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with a despair which would be laughable if it were not monstrous? Men, who, each time that they hear us pronounce the words, democracy, liberty, humanity, progress, lie down flat on the ground with terror and attach their ears to the earth to discover if they cannot hoax at last, the approach of the Russian canon!

(Loud applause on the left Clamour on the right All the right rise up and cover with cries the last words of the orator,— Order! Order! Order!)

(Several ministers rise on their benches and protest with vivacity against the words of the speaker—The tumult goes on increasing —Violent apostrophes are lanced at the orator by a great number of members—M,M Binneau, General Gourgoud and many other representatives seated on the front benches of the right make themselves remarked by their animation)

M The Minister for foreign affairs—You know well that this is not true! In the name of France, we protest

M De Rance—We demand the call to order

M Do Crouseilles, Minister of Public Instruction—Make a personal application of your words To whom do you apply them? Name! Name!

M the President—I call you to order, Monsieur Victor Hugo, because notwithstanding my warnings, you do not cease to insult

Voices on the right—He is an insulter hued for a salary!

M Chapot—Let the orator tell us for whom his words are meant

M De Staplande—Name those that you accuse, if you have the courage! (Tumultuous agitation)

Several voices on the right—You are an infamous calumniator—It is a cowardice and an insolence (Order! Order!)

M the President—With the noise you make, you have hindered the hearing of the call to order that I have pronounced

M Victor Hugo—I demand the right of explanation (Loud and prolonged cries)

M De Heeckeren—Let him, let him play out has part