Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/110

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[Chap. VII.

sweet tastes pacify biliary complaints ; while salt, sour and pungent promote the secretion of bile.

The different tastes possess different properties, which are thus described : —

(a) Madhura (sweet) taste has the property of increasing virility, promoting strength and secretion of milk in women, improving the eye-sight, strengthening the body and germinating worms. It is beneficial to children, adults, the wounded, the bald and the feeble.

(b) Amla (sour) promotes appetite and digestion, is cooling to perception but heating in effect ; cures wind disorders, is laxative, but bad for semen. Habitual use of it causes amblyopia and other diseases.

(c) Lavana (salt) is tonic, relaxes the bowels, deranges bile and phlegm, causes flaccidity, lowers the activity of the sexual functions and promotes perspiration. If continually taken it turns the hair white.

(d) Katu (pungent) is hot, destroys worms, diminishes the secretion of milk and dries the nose ; promotes appetite and lessens the fat in the body. It improves the intelligence, but destroys strength and beauty.

(e) Tikta (bitter) is cooling, alleviates thirst,