Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/88

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[Chap. V.

through the nose instead of through the mouth, his eyesight will improve, and his hair will not turn gray.

The above precepts may be modified a little with the change of seasons. India has the advantage of enjoying six seasons, each with a regular duration of two months. They are : —

Shishira, the dry season (roughly January and February).

Vasanta, Spring (March and April).

Greeshma, the hot season (May and June).

Varsha, the rainy season (July and August).

Sharad, the sultry season (September and October).

Hemanta, the frosty season (November and December).

During the first three seasons the sun remains to the north of the equator. The effect of the sun on vegetation at this time is not of the best. He is supposed to absorb the juices of medicinal herbs and impart to them heating properties. In the remaining three seasons the effect of the sun's rays on the herbaceous plants is very beneficial, and the vegetables produced in this part of the year possess cooling properties.