Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/109

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produces good cotton, com, and tobacco. On the south side of the river there is a large body of rich land, extending to Appalousa, which is watered and drained by two large bayaus, called bayau Robert and bayau Beuf. Their waters are very clear, and take their rise in the high lands betwen Red river and the Sabine. These waters are discharged into the Chaffetis. It is believed this body of land, which is forty miles square, in richness of soil, growth of timber, goodness of water, and convenience of navigation is equal to any tract of land in this part of Louisiana.

From Holmes' to bayau Rapide is thirty-five miles, and for this distance there are only a few scattered settlements on the right side of the river, and none on the left. The right side is preferred on account of the high lands, which are most convenient for keeping stock. The lands on the bayau Rapide, are nearly of the same quality with the bayau Robert and bayau Beuf. The two mouths of this bayau meet the river about twenty miles apart. The length of this bayau is about thirty miles, forming a curvature somewhat in the shape of a half moon. On its back another bayau falls into it, of excellent water, on which there is a saw mill. Boats cannot pass round this curvature on the account of obstructions formed by rafts of timber, but can ascend from the lower mouth more than half the distance. On each side the lower mouth is the principal settlement, called the Rapide settlement.
