Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/140

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to March; treat them with respect, and seldom attempt to rob them.

Mindawawarcarton band extend their hunting ground from the mouth of the Saint Peters, to the Crow-wing river, on both sides of the Mississippi. They live in tents of dressed leather, which they transport by means of horses and dogs, and ramble from place to place during the greater part of the year; and yet are the only band of the Sioux, who cultivate corn, beans, and other vegetables. Their land is level, fertile, and well watered. To their own traders they are friendly, but inveterate to those who carry merchandise to their enemies, the Chippeways.

Wahpacoota band rove in the country west of Saint Peters, from a place called Hardwood to the mouth of the Yellow Medicine river: never stationary only when their traders are with them, which is not at any fixed time; a great portion of their country is open plains, and tolerably fertile. They barter the articles they receive from the traders, with the Yanktons and Tetons, who live west of them, for horses, robes, and leather tents or lodges.

Sissatone band hunt on Saint Peters and upper portions of Red river of Lake Winnipie, which is a level, plain, fertile country, free of stones, and intersected with small lakes. It abounds with fur animals, the beaver, otter, and marten, which enables them to purchase more merchandise, in proportion to their number, than their