Page:A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana.djvu/144

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The Kata is a small nation, who have only about seventy-five warriors, and three hundred souls. They live between the head waters of the north and south forks of the River Chien.

The Nemausin, or allebome, are a small people, having about fifty warriors, and two hundred souls, and are on the head waters of north fork of Chien river. The principal difference between this nation and the Wetepahatoes, Kiawas, Staetan, and Kataha is, that they never visit the Ricaras, but carry on defensive war with them and the Sioux.

The Dotame is a still smaller nation, having only thirty warriors, and about one hundred and twenty people, inhabiting the heads of the river Chien. They wander over an open country; raise great numbers of horses and mules; are a friendly, well disposed people.

The Castahana is a larger nation, who live between the sources of the Padoca's forks of the rivers Plate and Yellow Stone. They have thirteen hundred warriors, and five thousand souls. Like the Dotame, rove in an open country, and raise great numbers of horses and mules; are friendly and peaceable, but have a defensive war with the Sioux and Assinniboins.

The Kee-hat-sa, or Crow Indians, or Gens-des Corbeau is large, having nine hundred warriors, and three thousand five hundred people. They live on each side of the river Yellow Stone, about the mouth of Big-horn river. Their country is