Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/29

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Civility of the Dutch Commodore: Singular learning of his chief Officer. — A Batavian patriot: his suspicions and rudeness. — Dutch tardiness. — The unpleasantness of detention. — The great influence of the French in Holland.

October, 1800.

I SHOULD speak of our accommodations on board the commodore, which indeed are elegant and convenient, had not his politeness and incessant attention to our wants paramount claims on my notice. He omits nothing to render our stay with him agreeable, and has entirely succeeded in making us forget whatever is unpleasant, in idea or reality, in being brought hither against our inclination, and detained as prisoners. The captain of another ship of war, a veteran of approved courage, whose countenance is full of expressions of honesty and philanthropy, is equally assiduous to contribute to our pleasures;