Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/102

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"You know I don't," he returned to her.

"I'm sorry."

He put his hand upon her and seized her. "I'd do more for you!" he said almost savagely.

"You mean to get me," she corrected calmly.

He released her and went on. She saw then, as she had realised many times before, that Latham had not the least idea that they might find Eric Hedon. The expedition meant to him merely a necessary hardship, a labour of Hercules, to be endured before he could claim her. What would Price do when Eric was found? For Margaret never for an instant let herself believe anything but that they must find Eric Hedon.

So far Latham had kept his irritation under control in her presence; but Margaret more than guessed that Price was not so careful before her brother. Geoff, alternating with Latham in the engine room, indeed seldom saw him except for a few moments. They were in their cabin together only on those rare occasions when, with the sea somewhat free from ice and with a favouring wind, the engine was