Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/112

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obstacle between his sister and Latham—an obstacle that every one had deplored. When the change had come with Geoff he himself could not tell; but, as he looked at Latham standing with Margaret, Geoff was aware for the first time that he wanted to find Hedon.

"The cabin is on the other side of the island," Margaret was saying quietly to Price.

"So I understand—about fifty miles away."

"We can't bring the vessel in closer with any safety." McNeal joined them and reported impersonally to both.

"But a boat can make it?"

"Well handled," McNeal qualified. "Who goes?"

"I, of course," said Latham.

Geoff intruded. "And I."

Koehler and Brunton were chosen also.

"It's no Arctic work," McNeal deprecated. "A row of a mile or so with plenty of stout ice to step on to if you're clumsy. And then a tramp of a day or so on shore. You'll take dogs, doctor?"

Koehler shook his head. Of the twenty-six beasts which had been on board on leaving