Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/249

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you found and knocked over and said nothing about his cairns before that stone house where we found his camera spool."

Latham waited menacingly for him to go on.

"Koehler and I found the stones of the cairns under the snow. We thought then they were Aurora cairns, but we weren't sure of it, so we said nothing. But now we know Hedon built cairns there; and that you found them and threw them down and then came back and denied you'd seen the place when we told about the house."

"That's exactly true!" Latham caught Geoff off guard with the sudden admission.

"Then you did it?"

"I found those last cairns, and I would have told you so myself in a moment," Latham returned.

"Oh, you would?"

"Anywhere else and under any other conditions I'd knock you down for what you've said," Latham faced him. "Call Koehler out here and any one else you've told that to."

Geoff hesitated, then obeyed. The three stood together on the ice.