Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/64

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103 LAKSHMI-NAEAYANA- -LANE 104 LAKSHMi-NARAYANA DIKSHITA, Nandi-rdja. See Chid-ananda SaeasvatI. LAKSHMI-NARAYANA SASTRI, Jrya-soma-ydjula Arunuchalesvara-pu°. ^SS'-qr'-^-qr'JS'^sSM. [Siva- katha-sudha-rasamu. A champu in 8 dsvdfsas of mixed verse and prose on the legends of Siva's love forPilrvatT and their wedlock, the birth and exploits of Kumara, the overthrow of Taraka, the marriage of Deva-sena, e<c.] pp.ii. 6, 260. ^■ffj^n [il/a^Zras,] 1904. 8°. 14175. a. 23. LAKSHMi-NARAYANA SASTRI, Koim Malla- ydrya-pu°., of Karapa. Lakshminarayaniyam (^ e)J;^13^-!T°i36;?c!S)5&>. [A dictionary of the Telugu language.] pp. 7, 23, 824. ^J^S _Karapa,'] 1907. 8°. 14174. n. 48. LAKSHMi-NARAYANA SASTRI, Mantri Lakshvia- na-pu°., of Kottapattanam. See Guru-jnana-va- siSHTHA. (^ • • • (^cSbg^su'sJ-TfrA's-feir'^ii [Yajna- varaha-bhagavad-glta-sastra. Edited with Telugu interpretation, etc., by Lakshml-narayana.] [1887.] 8°. 14048. bb. 29. See SaTANA. (^ • • • (_^"^'n^oeJSn-B'JJ)9 "2xm II [Vedanta-panchadasi. With interpretation and commentary in Telugu by Lakshml-narayana.] 1895- 1898. 8°. 14048. dd. 24. LAKSHMI-NARAYANUpU, Boddu mrasimha-pu°. (tsoaozT'X.S'wrsSM.) [Ambujaksha-satakamu. 121 verses in praise of Vishnu.] pp.68. _Madrns? n.d?i 16°. 14174. a. 7. Witho7if iille-pnge; apparently printed about 1860. LAKSHMi-NARAYANUpU, Unnava. (£^^&iS8^^. [Akbaru-charitra. A biography of the Mughal Emperor Akbar.] pp. 3, 128. sb-Oe;S|3r3-Jjo [Ma- suUpatam,] 'M7. 1 2^ 14174. f. 33.(1.) Forms no. 2 of the Andhra-bhashabhivardhani Series. LAKSHMi-NARUSU, Zuluri Subbana-pu" . ^, • • • [Mukunda-raghava-charitrainu. A poetical sum- mary of the Ramayana, in 250 verses.] pp. 27. ii=^Q [Madras, 1861.] 8". 14174. g. 4.(2.) LAKSHMi NRISIMHAMBA, Tulugurta. Maliilakala bodliini. [A poem for tho improvement of culture among Hindu women.] By Pulugurta Lakshmi- nara.samamba of Cocanada. (^ilS^»V^S'V^y*^p.) l)p. i. ii. 22. ii;a-/r«s, 1898. 12°. 14174.1.15.(1.) LAKSHMi- NRISIMH A SASTRI, Salld Ndga-livga- pu°., of Miifiulipatam. i^ ■ ■ • JT'xT-JJaSS^p. [Go- chai-a-darsini. A treatise on astrology, in San- skrit, with Telugu translation and note.s.] pp. 7, 101 J plate. Madras, l^Ob. 8°. 14053. ccc. 54. t^^ • [Puranoktapara-karma-prakasika, or Apara- chandrika. A collection of Sanskrit rules for various funeral rituals, with Telugu translations, notes, eic] pp. xvi. 170. ■J5'^^a|or3»M nToi [Madras, 1904.] 8°. 14033. bbb. 27. LAKSHMi-PATI, Asanfa. A Manual of Biology in Telugu (^sS^^^?3o^A^SJ^^). By A. Lakshmi Pathi. Vijnana Chandrika Series iii. Edited with an introduction by K. V. Lakshmana Rao. pp. viii. xliv. 336 ; 1 plate. Madras, . 12°. 14174. eee. 14. LAKSHMi-PATI, BKdratamu. Sakatarepha nirna- yam. [A treatise on the correct use of the letter ta] ... A reprint from the Manjuvani. Edited with introduction & criticism by Raja M. Bhu- janga Ran. (^'^k.-^^pgcsbsio.) pp. 2, 2, 4, 129. Ellore, 1900. 12°. 14174. m. 32.(1.) LAKSHMi-PATI, Dhurjati. i^zi^iS-vi^^&i^Q'S, '?"0 7V"8'fS'y5 Sj-tp^OZMTT' JjitlcoooSfOG^ Sj^o^SoS'S- S'^ex) [Hamsa-vimsati kathalu. 20 stories, chiefly on themes of love, told by a bird to its mistress to prevent her from a lapse of chastity.] pp. 56. n^^vt [Madras, 1865.] 8°. 14174. g. 14. LAKSHMi-PATI, Bdpdlca Li)igana-pu°. Bhadra- yurabhyudayamu. [A poem in 5 ulldsas, with occasional prose, on the life of Bhadrayu, son of Rnja Rajauna Desai of Domkonda, Haidarabad.] . . . Edited by Raja Ramachender Rao, Domkonda. (^f-^caofT^gSosbiSxi.) pp. 2, 244; plate. Coca- nada, 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 37. LAMB (Charles) and (Mary Ann). See Bhava- NARATANUDU. Saundarya satimani . . . written in adaptation of the story of "All is Well that Ends Well" of Shakespeare, (ffrom the "Telugu Trans- lation of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare," etc.) 1904. 8°. 14174. h. 30.(2.) LANE (Thomas Gordon Morton), Lieut.- Col. See Iniha. — Legislative Council. The Indian Penal