Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/81

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137 NAEAYANA- -NITI 138 NARAYANA RAZU, Pusapdti. [Panrgi/ric] See SoMA-SEKHABA Sa&TEI, 0. (^?3^ Xr°c«bE3 U'ZsyiSS'.^J. [Narayana-raja-satakamu.] 1895. 12°. 14174. f. 13. NARAYANA-SAMI, V. M. Select Tamil Tales, with free translatious iu English aud Teloogoo, to which are added a vocabulary . . . iu and Teloogoo . . . l)y W. M. Narrainsawiuy. pp.190. Madras, lS;i9. 8 14170. k. 66. Second edition, pp. 157. Madras, 1853. 8°. 14170. k. 75. NARAYANUpU, Veligandala, (Nabaya). [For editions of bks. xi.-xii. supplied by this poet to the Andhra-bhagavatamu of Potana Mantri :] See PoEANAS. — Bhdgavata-puruna. NARRAINSAWMY. See Naeayana-sami. NATESA SASTRI, Saiirjnudl Maha-livgam. Some Specimens of South Indian popular erotic Poetry. (Indian Antiquary. vol. xvii., pp. 253-259.) Bombay, 1888. 4°. 14096. e.(vol. 17.) NATJSHARVANJi, P. S., of Guntur. ^i • • • 6^" tio-zs^-^^-JS^e^sio. [Kabiru-dasu-charitramu. An exposition of Kablr's religious teaching and au account of his life, lyrically set forth in a series of Hindi, Telugu, aud Sanskrit verses, all iu the Telugu character, with Telugu commentary, etc. Second edition.] pp.124. rJ=^3 [^cZ/ar?/,] 1895. 8°. 14174. g. 40.(3.) [Third edition.] pp.124. «oDtu^4o sio^;^-^ [Guntur, Madras printed,] 1900. 8°. 14174. g. 42.(4.) (^ • • • {^~^^^'^'^^^- [Rama-jananamu. A devotional work on the legend of Rama, com- prising stanzas in Sanskrit, Hindi, and Telugu, with Telugu exposition. Second edition.] pp. ii. iii. 99. Tkoixr>&> ^oj^&> _Guntur, FAlore ^prmieA,'] 1901. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(10.) The Yunani vydliya sanjeovaui. A very useful treatise on medicine detailing the Yunani method of treatment of all ills flesh is heir to. [Adapted from the Persian] by Baboo P. S. Nowshervanjee. (cSm-o^t-^ 2-'^S rjo5^sj,0.) pp. i. ii. 368; I plate. Gm?i<m)-, 1896-1899. 8°. 14174. ee. 3. NELLORE. See Madras, Vresidency of. A collec- tiou of the inscriptions ... in the Nelloro district, etc. 1905. 8°. 14058. c. 11. NEWILL (TIen'by). See Hymnals. ief^^w. Hymns. Arranged [by H. Newill], etf. 1849. 16°. [yl Teloogoo Translation from the Tlnoh of Common Prayer.] 1106. a. 12. See LiTQUciEs. — England, Church (f. TIk Litany in Telugu and English . . . [Edited by H. N., i.e. H. Newill.] 1859. 12°. 3408, b. 45. History of the Everlasting Gospel. c^^^J^ -^^s;, -ffe^£,. (V.T.S. No. 18.) pp.18. London Mission Press: Vizagapatani, [n.d.] 10°. 14174. a. 4.(27.) A Treatise ou Mensuration adapted for the use of natives, shewing the principles of the calcu- lations, aud the inaccuracy of many of tlie native rules. ■^(S^X'tSe^six) -a»ii (Telugu version.) pp.95. Madras, 1858. 12°. 14174. m. 10. NIRANJANUpU, FafWepf/-?;. ^v^oi?T's^,&. [ audha-kaumudi. An account in verse, witii occasional prose, of the life and teachings of Potuliiri Viresvara or VIra-brahmendra, a Vedantic theologian aud prophet of the Visva- briihmana community.] pp. 2, 35. sfc^-cr't) [Duggirala,] 1909. 8°. 14174. bb. 23.(2.) Forms yio. 1 of the Prabodhmi Scries. NISCHALA DASA, disciple of Badu. S^^^inKS^. ' [Vichiira-sagaramu. A treatise on Vedautio mouisni. Translated from the Hindi by O. V. Dora-samayya.] pp. xliv. 4, 505. ^l^^" [3/"(Y(/;-rt.'-] 1903. 8°. 14174. b. 61. (^jai3^?5'-;>A'J5';i>3. [Vichiira- sagaramn. Translated from the Hindi of Nischala Dasa by Janardana Svami Chaitanyudu. Followed by Chaitanyiimritamu, a tract of philosophic devotion by the latter, and the Sanskrit VijiJaua-uauka ascribed to Sankara.] ft'. 6, x. 458, x. 5. ^(^<5^'i 1829 [Madras, 1908.] obi. 4°. 14174. c. 1. NITI. (^^^^^, j3^§S'^8^C(£.s^..^. [Niti-safi- grahamu (Prasuottara). Verses on themes of morals, in catechetical form, with literal prose interpretation and commentary. Edited by N. Deva Perumallayya.] pp. 162. n-j-^n [Madra.'f, 1861.] 16°. 14174. f. 9.