Page:A complete course in dressmaking (Vol. 12, Men's clothes & index) (IA completecoursein00cono).pdf/104

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the open air and allow it to remain there until the gasoline or solvent has evaporated. If a strong odor remains, hang the garment over a radiator or register so that hot air can penetrate the fabric and carry away the odor.

Carbon tetrachloride which can be obtained in any drug store is a very excellent solvent for removing oil and grease spots. It is absolutely safe since it cannot burn or explode but is too expensive to use in large quantities.

To Clean and Freshen Velvet: Dry clean velvet according to the general directions given for dry cleaning. Brushing velvet with a soft brush against the pile while in the cleaning fluid will help to remove the dirt and grease spots. Water spots or creases which are due to flattened pile may be removed by steaming. Remove the lid from a steaming tea kettle, then holding the velvet taut over the escaping steam, brush gently with a soft brush against the pile. Work quickly for the steam should not be allowed to condense on the velvet. Or, the velvet may be evenly moistened on the wrong side, then gently brushed while being moved slowly over the smooth surface of a hot flat iron placed on end.

To Clean Lace and Chiffon Veils: Veils may be dry cleaned but dry cleaning will not

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