Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 1.djvu/14

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Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall. William Darlington, Philadelphia, 1849.

Report on Kentucky Surgery, Samuel D. Gross, Louisville, 1853.

History of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, Joseph Carson, Philadelphia, 1S69.

Medical History and Biography, Henry Bronson, New Haven, 1872.

Annals of Medical Progress, J. M. Toner, Washington, 1874.

Medical Men of the Revolution, J. M. Toner, Philadelphia, 1876.

History of Medicine in New Jersey, Stephen Wickes, Newark, 1879.

History of Medicine in Massachusetts, S. A. Green, Boston, 1881.

Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross, with Sketches of Contemporaries, Philadelphia, 18S7.

History of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Frank Woodbury, Philadelphia, 1895.

Personal Reminiscences and Recollections, Samuel C. Busey, Wash- ington, D. C, 1895.

Standard History of the Medical Profession of Philadelphia, F. P. Henry, Chicago, 1897.

Biography of Ephraim McDowell, with Life Sketches of Prominent Men of the Medical Profession, M. T. Valentine, New York, 1897.

The Botanists of Philadelphia, John W. Harshberger, Philadelphia, 1899.

One Hundred Years of Medicine and Surgery in Missouri, St. Louis, Star Co., 1900.

The History of Medicine in the United States, Francis R. Packard, Philadelphia, 1901.

History of the University of Maryland, Eugene F. Cordell, Baltimore, 1901.

A Narrative of Medicine in America, James G. Mumford, Philadelphia, 1903.

The Medical Annals of Maryland, Eugene F. Cordell, Baltimore, 1903.

History of the Medical Society of the State of New York, James J. Walsh, New York, 1906.

Makers of Modern Medicine, James J. Walsh, New York, 1907.

The Development of Ophthalmology in America, Alvin A. Hubbell, Chicago, 1908.