Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/224

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Including Four New Species," December 11, 1827, and January 1, 1828.

"Note, Containing a Notice of Some Fossils Recently Discovered in New Jersey," June 2, 1S28, vi.

"Description of Two New Species of Fossil Shells of the Genera Scaphites and Crepidula: With Some Observations on the Ferruginous Sand, Plastic Clay, and Upper Marine Formation of the United States," June 17, 1828, vi.

"Additional Observations on the Geology and Organic Remains of New Jersey and Delaware," January 19, July 6. 1830, vi.

"Notice of Some Parasitic Worms," March 15, 1831, vi.

"Some Remarks on the Ancient Peruvians," June 1, 1841.

"Remarks on a Mode of Ascertaining the Internal Capacity of the Human Cranium," April 6, 1841.

"A Memoir of William Maclure," read July 1, 1841.

"Observations on the Embalmed Body of an Egyptian — Ibis religios," May 4. 1841.

"Observations on Eight Skulls from Mexico," July 6, 1841.

" Remarks on the Sutures of the Cranium as Connected with the Growth of the Corresponding Bones," May 17, 1841.

" Description of Fossil Shells from the Cretaceous Deposit of the United States," October 12, 1841.

"On an Albino Racoon," November 6, 1841.

" On the So-called Pigmy Race of People Who are asserted to have Formerly Inhabited a Part of the Valley of the Mississippi," November 15, 1841.

"Description of Two New Species of Fossil Shells from the Lower Cretaceous Strata of New Jersey," November 7, 1841.

" Results of Measurement of Forty-five Adult Negro Crania, in Order to Ascertain the Internal Capacity of the Skull in the African Race," December 14, 1841.

" Description of Some New Species of Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group of the United States; With a

Tabular View of the Fossils Hitherto Discovered in this Formation," October 12, November 7, 1841; January 25, 1842.

" Verbal Communication on an Adult Skeleton from Ticul, Yucatan," May 9, 1842.

" Brief Remarks on the Diversities of the Human Species, and on Some Kindred Subjects," being an introductory lecture delivered before the class of Pennsylvania Medical College in Pliiladelphia, November 1, 1842.

" Inquiry into the Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America," second edition, 1844.

" On the analogy which exists between the Marl of New Jersey and the Chalk Formation of Europe," — a letter to Prof. Silliman, February 14, 1832. ("American Journal of Science and Art," vol. xxiv.)

" Notice of the Fossil Teeth of Fishes of the United States; the Discovery of Gait in Alabama, and a Proposed Division of the American Cretaceous Group." ("American Journal of Science and Art," vol. xxviii.)

" On a Supposed New Species of Hippopotamus," February 27, 1844.

" Remarks on the Skull of a Hottentot," May 21, 1844.

" Description of Head of a Fossil Crocodile from the Cretaceous Strata of New Jersey," August 27, 1844.

" On a Second Series of Ancient Egyptian Crania," October 29, 1844.

" Observations on Mosasaurus of New Jersey," November 24, 1844.

"Measurements of Skulls of Native Africans," December 17, 1844.

" Remarks on the Skulls of a Mexican, a Lenape, and a Congo Negro," May 6, 1845.

" Remarks on the Crania of Two Ancient Peruvians, Two Mound Skulls from Missouri, a Hottentot, a Mozambique Negro, and Four Mummied Egyptian Heads," September 2, 1845.

" Remarks on Two Skulls of Natives of New Holland," November 18, 1845.

" Verbal Remarks on Cretaceous Fos-