Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/249

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Fish from the Palaeozoic Rocks of Indiana."

1846. " Description of a Remarkable Fossil Echinoderm from the Limestone Formation of St. Louis."

1847. " Researches among the Pro- tozoic and Carboniferous Rocks of Cen- tral Kentucky."

1848. "First Report as Assistant United States Geologist in Survej^ of the Northwest."

1852. "Second Report."

1851-1857. " State Geologist of Illinois Reports" (written; Ijut not published).

1854. "Two Palaeontological Papers: 1. Producti with Descriptions of Twelve New Species. 2. Notice of the Genus Chonetes, etc., with Description of Eleven New Species."

1868. "Experimental Exercises and Problems in Elementary Chemistry."

O. F.

Nott, Josiah Clark (1804-1873).

Josiah Clark Nott, the first to do extir- pation of the coccyx for inflammation, was born March 31, 1804, in Columbia, Richland District, South Carolina, and died at Mobile, Alabama, March 31, 1873, on his sixty-ninth birthday. He was the son of Abraham Nott, a judge and politi- cian, who was born in Saybrook, Connecti- cut, in 1767 and died at Fairfield, South Carolina, in January, 1830. Dr. Nott's father was a graduate of Yale College, and studied for the ministry, but did not take orders. Dr. Nott commenced the study of medicine in the office of James Davis, M. D., of Columbia, South Caro- lina, in 1824, and attended his first course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, then situated in Barclay street, in the winter of 1825- 26, under Profs. Wright Post, Valentine Mott, John W. Francis, David Hosack, Samuel L. MitchlU, William James Macneven, and a second course at the University of Pennsylvania; graduating thence in April, 1827. He was resident student at the Philadelphia Alm.shouse from September, 1827, to September, 1828, after which he became demoastra-

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tor of anatomy in the University of Penn- sylvania, under Profs. Physick and Hor- ner. In 1829 he returned to Columbia, South Carolina, and commenced practice. In 1835 he went to Europe and spent that and the next year visiting the hospitals and studying medicine, natural history, and kindred sciences. In the latter part of 1836 he settled in Mobile, Ala- bama. In 1857 Dr. Nott was called to the chair of anatomy in the University of Louisiana, • but resigned it after one winter's service to resume his profession in Mobile, and in 1858 founded the Med- ical School in Mobile, where he lectured two years on surgery, when the college was broken up by the war. Soon after the close of the war he left the South, and in 1867 went to Baltimore, Maryland, remaining one year, and in April, 1868, removed to New York City. Here he soon took a prominent position as an able and accomplished physician and gyne- cologist. Skene, in his " Diseases of Women" says " coccyodynia" was first described by Dr. Nott in the " North American Medical Journal," May, 1844, but it attracted little attention until 1861, when Sir J. Y. Simpson revived the sub- ject and gave it the name of "coccyo- dynia." Nott has also an article on " Extripation of Os Coccyx for Neural- gia," in the "New Orleans Medical Journal," 1844—5. He was an untiring student and indefatigable worker, ever ready in public or private to advance science. During his short career in this city, he read numerous papers bearing evidence of a well-trained mind and ripe scholarship. Besides contributing exten- sively on professional and kindred topics in the medical journals of New Orleans, Charleston, Richmond, Philadelphia and New York, he has published several ethnological works, which have attracted great attention in Europe as well as the United States. Among these are "Two Lectures on the Connection between the Biblical and Physical History of Man" (1849); "The Physical History of the Jewish Race" (18.50); "Types of Man- kind" (1854); and "Indigenous Races of