Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/328

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gan University gave him her Ph. D.; in 1S96 the LL. D.; in 1902 Northwestern University also gave him the LL. D.

He contributed much to the literature of chemistry, in the form of reports of research work in analytical and organic chemistry; works of reference on these subjects; papers on the education of pharmacists and topics of general interest. His first book "Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis," greatly promoted this subject. Later investigation con- cerned the natural organic bases and certain other derivatives.

In 1S66 he married Abigail Freeburn who, with a foster son, survived him.

Dr. Prescott died at Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 25, 1905, from Bright's disease.

Papers :

"The Chemistry of Nitrogen as Dis- closed in the Constitution of the Alka- loids." (Reprinted from "Transactions of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science," Salem, 1887.)

"Pharmaceutical Chemistry in its Relation to Medical Practice." ("Mich- igan University Medical Journal," vol. i.)

"Should Proprietary Medicines be Required to Give an Account of Con- tents." ("The Physician and Surgeon," vol. viii.)

"Control of Chemical Operations in the Stomach." (Ibid., vol. i.)

" Contamination of Potable Waters by Lead and Zinc." ("Michigan Univer- sity Medical Journal," vol. ii.)

"Chemistry of Muscle." ("Michigan Medical Journal," vol. i.)

"Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of the Bark of the Rhamnus Purshiana." ("New Preparations," vol. iii.)

" OutUnes of Proximate Organic Anal- ysis for the Identification, Separation and Quantitative Determination of the More Commonly Occurring Organic Com- pounds," 1875.

" Organic Analysis;" a greatly enlarged second edition of preceding, 1889.

"First Book in Quantitative Chemis- try" (through eight editions).

"Qualitative Chemical Analysis;" with

S. H. Douglas, three editions; with O. C. Johnson, fourth to sixth edition," etc., etc. L. C.

History Univ. of Mich., 1906. Full-sized portrait in the reading room of the General Library, Ann Arbor. Memorial by University Senate, Michigan State Medical, and various other scientific bodies.

Albert Benjamin Prescott, Address. Me- morials on life of, with bibliography of 126 papers, 76 pages, by Mrs. Prescott, private printing, Ann Arbor, 1906.

Prescott, Oliver (1731-1804).

Oliver Prescott was born in Groton, Massachusetts, April 27, 1731, of the fourth generation from John Prescott, who came from England about the year 1640. His father was a member of the General Court; his mother, Abigail, daughter of Thomas Oliver, of Cam- bridge, Massachusetts.

Oliver was educated at Harvard Col- lege, where he received his degree in 1750. After graduation he was a pupil of Dr. Ebenezer Robie, of Sudbury, Massa- chusetts. He settled in Groton and soon gained a very extensive practice. It was said of him that he acquired a habit of sleeping while making his rounds on horseback. He was a corpulent man, over six feet in height. His son, Dr. Oliver Prescott, Jr., vouches for the truth of his father's sleeping habit and says he has frequently travelled with him and witnessed it, "the horse continuing the whole time at the usual travelling pace." "He would, when drowsiness came upon him, brace himseK in the stirrup, rest one hand on the pommel of the saddle and resign himself without fear, for miles together, to quiet repose."

Dr. Prescott was one of the original members of the Massachusetts Medical Society and was president of the Middle- sex Medical Society during the whole period of its existence.

In 1791 Harvard conferred upon him the honorary degree of M. D.

He took a prominent part in the Revo- lution, having been major, lieutenant- colonel and colonel of militia under the