Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/330

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For years Ur. Preston h;ul looketl for- M'ard with pleasure to making a home for herself and in 1864 she gathered arountl her a pleasant family.

In 1871 she had acute articular rhevi- matism from which she did not com- pletely recover, so when the college opened in the fall she resumed her usual duties with less than accustomed vigor. Another attack made it impossible for her to leave her room and at this time she prepared the Annual Announcement for the college session of 1872-73. It was the last work of her life, performed slowly and painfully, and this exertion brought on the relapse which terminated in complete nervous prostration from which she died April IS, 1872.

Both the college and hosi>ital wer(» rememliered in her will, the interest of four thousand dollars being used annu- ally to assist in the education of one good student.

F. P.

Address in Mem. of .Vim Pre.stoii. Peiiii., 1873. (E. E. Judson.)

Preston, George Junkin (1858-1908).

George Junkin Preston, neurologist, was born in Lexington, Virginia, ISoS, the son of Col. J. T. L. Preston. He graduated A. B. in 1879 at Wa.shington and Lee L^niversit}' and took his M. D. at the Universit}' of Pennsylvania, in 1883.

In 1894, as a member of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, he was the first to suggest the feasibility of establishing a State Bacteriological De- partment. As chairman of the Faculty Library, he did his utmost to increase its richness and utility.

He made the study of the nervous sys- tem his life work, and in 1885 went abroad and studied under Charcot, and, later, worked on the subject at Leipzig. In 1889 he was professor of physiology in the Woman's Medical College, Baltimore and in 1890 entered the Faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore as professor of physiology and diseases of the nervous svstem. He also

held the post of neiu'ologist to the city, Bayview, the IIel)rew and St. Agnes' Hospitals. In all this work he labored luiccasingly to better the condition of the insane antl attained high rank as a neu- rologist for his knowledge and work were of an inten.sely practical nature.

He died in Baltimore on ,Iune 17, 1908.

His writings inchuled:

" The Differential Diagnosis and Treat- ment of Multiple Neuritis," 1891.

" The Effect of Arterio-sclerosis Upon tlu' Central Nervous System," 1891.

"Traumatic Lesions of the Spinal Cord," 1893.

"Cerebral (Edema," 1894.

.Vnd a large volume " Hysteria and Ci'rtain Allied Conditions," 1897.

lUill. of the -Med. and Chir. Fac. of Maryland

1 90S- 190 , i.

Maryland Med. .!., 1908.

Preston, Robert J. (1841-1906).

Rol)ert Preston, alienist, was the son of John F. Preston, of Washington County, Virginia, and born in that county in 1841 ; he was a member of a prominent Vir- ginian family.

He went as a lad to Emory and Henry College, Virginia, taking the A. M., and studying medicine at and graduating from the University of Virginia in 1867.

He was a member of the Tri-State Medical Association of the Carolinas and Virginia; honorary fellowship was con- ferred upon him by the Boston Gyne- cological Association, the Lynchburg (Virginia) Academy of Medicine, and the Medical Society of Virginia (1895).

During the Civil War he served his state first as a private and, later, by pro- motion as a captain in the Twenty-first Virginia Cavalry, and made for himself a record for gallantry. He joined the Med- ical Society of Virginia in 1871, proved a zealous member, and had the honor of election to the presidencj^ in 1894; had the same honor conferred upon him by the Abingdon Academy of Medicine and the American Medico-psychological Asso- ciation in 1901-02 of which he was presi- dent in 1892. In 1887 he was elected
